DREDD Full Eagle Day and Specific Mishap Questions

I was generating some PC's tonight and we came across two things that brought up questions.

On page 37 of the dredd book it says that you must roll a 12+ with DM's applied.

However, in the sample PC Judge Walker example pg 44 it says that be survived full eagle day with a 9+

I'm wondering which one is correct or if you can shed some light on why they appear different.

Second: (I think I know the answer, but wanted to get confirmation)
There is a specific mishap (pg 25 tek judge #5) that states you get Flyer(any)0 if you pass.

After which if the tek judge gains a point in flyer (any) what happens?

My answer was that Flyer(any)0 simply removes the -3 DM from a roll that would otherwise have it applied while gaining any point after that would simply be a +1.

The PC argued that judges would have a general knowledge of all skills and while 0 skill point applies to traveller as a whole it does not apply to Dredd specifically.

Any ruling on this one would be great.

Thanks a lot.
