Drawing Deck Plans


I seem to recall (though I cannot find it at present) a citation in the original traveller that stated that each box of a deck plan = 1.4 meters(squared) and that each ton equalled a certain number of squares or that a square equalled an certain number of tons (can't recall directly).

I have not seen this or any like reference in the new traveller - so what scale are you using?

Useing a 1.5 meter square and a ceiling height of 3 meters, you get ~14 cubic meters from 2 floor squares. This is 4 x 1.5 meter cubes per 1 dTon.
Just to clarify: it's not that the ceiling is 3m high, but that there's a distance of 3m between one deck and the one above. (3.11m, to be exact.) The ceiling itself might only be 2.5m high, leaving a 61 centimetre gap between decks. That's where I assume all the life support equipment, electrical cabling, plumbing and pipework, grav plates and so forth goes.