Disappointed by Technomages Book....

My only complaints were some of the spells fromt he books were left out of the game. Like the shadow skin armor Galen was able to cast or energy beam, both of which were mentioned as original shadow spells. Overall I felt the book to be excellent though, I just hope for additional material to be released in future products.
Triumviron said:
left out of the game. Like the shadow skin armor Galen was able to cast or energy beam, both of which were mentioned as original shadow spells.
You are right, they are absent. But since Galen is the only known mage in existence to learn them after he made contact with the Eye on the Shadow homeworld (IIRC), it would feel wrong if your players ever get to learn them. To me, they're more of a story device, like the Sword Excalibur in Arthurian legends (not the B5 ship!).

So it would be cool to see them someday, but I don't think their stats are essential for the RPG.
redlaco said:
You are right, they are absent. But since Galen is the only known mage in existence to learn them after he made contact with the Eye on the Shadow homeworld (IIRC), it would feel wrong if your players ever get to learn them.

But Munchkins can dream can't they? :)

It's like Lyta's Vorlon modifications - if there was a way for a player to get them during normal character progression you can bet every bloody telepath would get the old wanderlust for Vorlon space...

It's nice to see that Bruce managed to sneak the Orieni into the book though :)
frobisher said:
redlaco said:
You are right, they are absent. But since Galen is the only known mage in existence to learn them after he made contact with the Eye on the Shadow homeworld (IIRC), it would feel wrong if your players ever get to learn them.

But Munchkins can dream can't they? :)

It's like Lyta's Vorlon modifications - if there was a way for a player to get them during normal character progression you can bet every bloody telepath would get the old wanderlust for Vorlon space...

It's nice to see that Bruce managed to sneak the Orieni into the book though :)

Actually, that was me. :)

maby thoes spells and the Modifictations will be in the forthcoming Shadows/Vorlons source book.. that in my opinion is where they belong.. but thats just me
I have never played b5 but am in the process of buying the books. I hope to talk one of the guys into running the game.

Here is my question

Are the TM to powerful. Will a GM want one in the game? We don't have the book in the shop and I don't want to have them order one in, buy it, and find out they are not playable.

bryankia said:
Are the TM to powerful. Will a GM want one in the game? We don't have the book in the shop and I don't want to have them order one in, buy it, and find out they are not playable.

Technomages are probably best suited for an all technomage campaign (think Ars Magica...), rather than trying to mix a solitary mage in with the PCs. They'll rapidly lean on him to do everything even when he can't do it - at which point they'll think he's holding out etc. Your party will self destruct very rapidly (almost as rapidly as having it 50-50 Centauri-Narn or 100% Drazi). They should be no more unbalancing than a teep, but I'd advise they keep a low profile (ie you have a game where people don't tell everyone what their class is).
Personally I wouldn't allow them using the TM book, unless you are running a pure techno mage campaign. If its a normal campaign stick to the PrC if they want to join that order.
Thanks for the rapid response!

Not the answers I wanted.. but valid none the less. One of the things I like about the game from what I have seen (core book and first supplement) is that all the classes seem even. The mighty rangers are not all that powerful so I was hoping that the TM would be the same.

Thanks again,

Now if I could only get someone to run the game around here!

PS I love games where you don’t share character sheets that would be great in this game
Unfortunately Tulsa is a little too far away to have you comute to central Texas for the game I will be running their soon.
The wife would like me to move her back to the "promised land”... Texas, But I keep telling her we are already here :)

The only land that is promised is the one your feet happen to be on. :wink:

Besides, not everyone can be a Texan. We allow that there are other, less perfect places to live. :lol:
Just got the book and I love it. I am on page 12 and this looks like one of those books I am going to real front to back.

I will keep you advised if it turns south ;)

While I like the overall presentation of the Technomage class, I was disappointed with the character writeups.

For example, Alwyn's primary aptitude should be Conjuration. Most of the spells he casts in The Long Road (Crusade episode) are conjuration spells, from the golden dragon to the imps in the inn to his illusion at the mine. He doesn't even have Conjure Creature in his writeup!

Likewise, while I concede that the levels of the various Circle members are open to temptation, there is a side effect from making the most accomplished mages of the Order 10th to 15th level. To create a Pinnance, you need to have four or more Technomages with 10 levels of Kinetic Grimli. Since you can't even take the prestige class until you have eight ranks in Balance, Magery, and Technical, crafting a Pinnance requires a 15th level character. Unless the Order has at least four Kinetic Grimli that are equal or higher level than the highest-level member of the Circle, the Order can't create or repair Pinnances. This is a serious oversight.
I done many adventures as a GM over the summer, and have even play in many more. Sad to say, the Technom-mage book i think is completely inadiquite to play...

I have found that the system of having so many individual spells to be agrivating, and also leading to limiting the imaginitve, and creative nature i think would best be portrayed in a Techno-mage...

For one who has love the novels, as well as the character of Galen in Crusade, i have concluded a serious dislike to how the Techno-mage was developed as a playable class...

Part of the problem was simply because it was ballanced.

Also there are far to many spells about 260 to 280 i think i remember... I could go into more detailed here, but i will keep it short.

the class simply was made to be unnessecarely complex to play.... The majority of their powers, and abilities was presented in already simple rules under the idem, "Inquizitors Cane" in the Coming of Shadows book... The prestige class in said book, also i think was going in the right direction for how a class could work...

maybe i will submit a alternate verision if i ever get time to complete it..
I didnt find the class overly complex, indeed the one technomage we have in our games now has proved very much the enigmatic Galen'esque figure for the group.

The spells aren't really an issue in quantity as although there may be some 240+ they are also fairly limited in availability, not only through play but through advancement. For instance they all have prerequisites to begin with such as needing this or that other spells first and so forth, so it isnt like all 240+ are available straight from the start.

Now if you consider say the spell availability of a technomage with say a wizard from D&D and you have a significant difference in number and availability of spells... technomages dont even come close to being as abundantly spoilt for choice as they do..and that too is a good thing as technomages are specialists not generalists.

I don't know, perhaps i've been playing and running d20 based games for far too many years but complicated isnt really a word i'd associate with this class.

The only gripe (if any) we had with this book was too little in the way of images and art.. and the new races werent illustrated (a sin, in our books :) ) but beyond that it was great.
Neo said:
The only gripe (if any) we had with this book was too little in the way of images and art.. and the new races werent illustrated (a sin, in our books :) ) but beyond that it was great.

I'd have to concur - some photos from Crusade would have been nice...