Here's what I feel is the bottom line evaluation (my opinion now, so take it with as much of a grain of salt as everyone else's opinions so far).
More adventure; less fantasy.
In directly reletive proportions, the Conan RPG is more dangerous, more adventurous and more accessible to the casual role player. It's a lot more direct, meaning that because there's no elves, hobbits, dragons and so forth to deal with at every turn, the simple excitement and splendor of a exquisite statue to some dark, ancient god takes on a whole new level risk and reward, for both players and the GM. All spells are difficult to cast, super deadly in execution and exceptionally costly (both in the PP mechanics sense and in the manner of life and limb of unwary followers!) and so magic is both rarely encountered and yet is the most fearful aspect in the game. Weapons behave like they would in real life (heavy ones are intended to chop through armor, while light ones are intended to poke through the gaps and ignore it) and many feats that are low in the standard D&D d20 feat trees are "free" and all classes can do them without needing to fill up a feat slot simply to progress. The wonkiness of 5'steps, flat-footed, and all that is eliminated simply by virtue of two factors: attacks of opportunity are provoked more often and armor provides DR rather than AC (or DV in Conan). In relation to that, the combat experience is opened up through the existance of Parry and Dodge bonuses to DV, a choice each character has to make on the fly in a fight with lithe classes like thieves being more adept at dodging and burly classes like barbarians being more apt to want to parry. Also, linked to combat, there's no magical healing, so damage dealt is potentially extremely deadly. The flip side is that HP better represents loss of stamina or extreme physical exertion and is recouped much faster so it's more like characters get worn down fighting rather than the D&D "pin cushion" syndrome that can seem to occur when, for example, a PC gets hit with 15 arrows and is still alive at the end of an encounter. In the Conan RPG, even a single arrow can bring a powerful character to the brink of death if enough damage can be dealt (ranged attacks can be used to mount Sneak Attacks in Conan!).
There's tons of reasons, and these are just a few of the obvious differences, but I have one questioon for you: Why exactly are we trying to "sell you" on the Conan RPG when you've already bought it??? Just play it and you'll see thje differences. If you want more danger and less reliance of magic and magic items, Conan is the way to go.