Decals sure do make the Federation ships look alot better


I recently obtained a prototype set of the decals sold by Scoutdad here: These were not the regular ones they are selling now; those are even better.

I did have some trouble with the decals until I found a product called MicroSet, which helps the decals adhere better, and softens them up so that the matte spray doesn't make them crack. The BCH and CA have decals treated with the MicroSet; the DNG, FF, and OCL didn't.

Before decals:


And after:


Individual ships:

Fed DNG:


Fed BCH:


Fed CA:


Fed OCL:


Fed FF:


Underside of the ships (which I believe the new decals have more panel decals).

They certainly do look better with the decals added. Nice work, all round. Did you apply these over a gloss varnish, or straight onto the paint?
I actually used semi-gloss Krylon White paint as the base coat, put the decals on and used Army Painter Matte spray. I used MicroSet on the BCH and CA, and the results were much better than without.
It's never a good idea to spray on bare decals, better to paint over them with some gloss varnish or Micro Flat-type product to protect them first. Nice looking results anyway, got a set of their decals on order for my Federation fleet box so thanks for the preview.
Totenkopf said:
Bill, I want your that I mean your Ships :D

Hehe. I seem to recall you were going to talk to Scoutdad to paint up some ships for you. Did that ever work out?
No, Tony is way too busy and right now I'm way to broke :(

But if you could put me in contact with your base guy I would like to buy some of those :)
Tony has about 30 of his own ST2500s sitting on the desk he can't seem to find time to paint.
Gonna be a bad showing at NashCon if I have great maps, great terrain, and spray-painted, base-colored minis. :roll:
im currently away from my work bench but before leaving i painted up a new base i had made me. when i get home ill take a photo and get it posted.
Darzoni said:
Question: The bottom of the bases with the arcs labeled out. How did you do that?

I had a local graphics artist (through an advertising agency) do it up for me, and then a local print shop made them for me.

I do sell them...check your PM.