Darfari Race in Conan RPG AE


Banded Mongoose
Quick question about the Darfari subclass of Southern Islander:

It gives no Background Skills for Darfari, yet does hint under Racial Features that it does have a Perform (drums) bonus vs. the Perform (dance) of Southern Islander.

However, the background skills for Southern Islander are Perform (dance), Profession (sailor), and Survival.

Should Darfari have Perform (drums) INSTEAD of Perform (dance) for a background skill? I also question the Profession (sailor)...but just want to make sure.
jrmorgan56 said:
Should Darfari have Perform (drums) INSTEAD of Perform (dance) for a background skill?


jrmorgan56 said:
I also question the Profession (sailor)...but just want to make sure.

Hyboria's Fiercest suggests replacing Profession (sailor) with Intimidate for Darfari (page 24, inset box).