Yogah of Yag said:As a "Conan scholar" studying Howard's stories in great detail (vocabular analysis, corpus linguistics), my first concern is "Are saps featured in any authentic Conan story by Robert E. Howard?" If so, then we could devise a rule for saps in the RPG. I would have to do some thorough searches to find this out which may take time. However, IF it is a part of Howard's Hyborian world, I would amp up the damage to 1d8. If you are aware of a REH story in which a sap is mentioned, please let us know. Otherwise, if you have seen it in pastiche, a comic, or some other source, it would still be good to know.
slaughterj said:Yogah of Yag said:As a "Conan scholar" studying Howard's stories in great detail (vocabular analysis, corpus linguistics), my first concern is "Are saps featured in any authentic Conan story by Robert E. Howard?" If so, then we could devise a rule for saps in the RPG. I would have to do some thorough searches to find this out which may take time. However, IF it is a part of Howard's Hyborian world, I would amp up the damage to 1d8. If you are aware of a REH story in which a sap is mentioned, please let us know. Otherwise, if you have seen it in pastiche, a comic, or some other source, it would still be good to know.
There's no particular complexity in design or for the components of a sap, so I would say it would exist in the Hyborian world, even if only in make-shift form.
Yogah of Yag said:slaughterj said:Yogah of Yag said:As a "Conan scholar" studying Howard's stories in great detail (vocabular analysis, corpus linguistics), my first concern is "Are saps featured in any authentic Conan story by Robert E. Howard?" If so, then we could devise a rule for saps in the RPG. I would have to do some thorough searches to find this out which may take time. However, IF it is a part of Howard's Hyborian world, I would amp up the damage to 1d8. If you are aware of a REH story in which a sap is mentioned, please let us know. Otherwise, if you have seen it in pastiche, a comic, or some other source, it would still be good to know.
There's no particular complexity in design or for the components of a sap, so I would say it would exist in the Hyborian world, even if only in make-shift form.
That's true, but I'm a relative Howard purist--perhaps not to the extent that Mr. Darlage is, but...
If it's not in Howard I am disinclined to use it in RPG.
slaughterj said:Yogah of Yag said:slaughterj said:There's no particular complexity in design or for the components of a sap, so I would say it would exist in the Hyborian world, even if only in make-shift form.
That's true, but I'm a relative Howard purist--perhaps not to the extent that Mr. Darlage is, but...
If it's not in Howard I am disinclined to use it in RPG.
Did Howard include any wheat farmers? Did Howard include any mining techniques such as using structural supports to enable deeper digging? Did Howard include anything on the operation of calendars? You can take that sort of logic way too far, you know.
Yogah of Yag said:slaughterj said:Yogah of Yag said:That's true, but I'm a relative Howard purist--perhaps not to the extent that Mr. Darlage is, but...
If it's not in Howard I am disinclined to use it in RPG.
Did Howard include any wheat farmers? Did Howard include any mining techniques such as using structural supports to enable deeper digging? Did Howard include anything on the operation of calendars? You can take that sort of logic way too far, you know.
No flaming, if you please. Thank you.
Sutek said:Oddly enough, even though a sap isn't listed as a possible weapon in the equipment charts, the thief sneak attack rules indicate it as one of the weapons you can opt to inflict sneak subdual damage with instead of lethal.
foxworthy said:I'd say leave the stats as is for the Sap. I think it's more like the dagger in that it shouldn't get the damage increase other weapons get in conan.
Sap cost 1 sp Damage 1d6 Crit x2 AP 0 Weight 2lbs Type Bludgeoning
It deals subdual damage, I'd change it to a simple weapon though, seems to easy of a weapon to use. I'd also allow it to make stunning attacks.
The weapon is way too useful to thieves and slavers for it to be not in the game.
Sutek said:foxworthy said:I'd say leave the stats as is for the Sap. I think it's more like the dagger in that it shouldn't get the damage increase other weapons get in conan.
Sap cost 1 sp Damage 1d6 Crit x2 AP 0 Weight 2lbs Type Bludgeoning
It deals subdual damage, I'd change it to a simple weapon though, seems to easy of a weapon to use. I'd also allow it to make stunning attacks.
The weapon is way too useful to thieves and slavers for it to be not in the game.
Not exactly leaving it alone there, are you foxy? (lol)
I agree with your stats though. I'd say that instead of automatically causing Stun, that if the Sap is chosen on a sneak attack to deal subdual rather than lethal damage, the threat is automatically activated, meaning the attacker need only roll to see if he crits. This will increase the odds of lots of damage on the sneak attack, and more often knocking targets unconcious, which is what Saps are for.
Sutek said::roll:
Those are is causing stunning attacks.
That's all I meant, dude. Relax. :wink:
Sutek said:Ah, I see...I simply wasnt' clear on what you thought of as special features.
Whatever dude.
Raven Blackwell said:Dude it's Sutek- I had to challenge him to mortal combat to get him to play nice. 8)