Congratulations to Chris Quilliams

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
This is just to say that his covers are truly gorgeous and that his interior drawings are also at the top. :D
He perfectly depicts the idea one could have of Conan and didn't succomb to an exaggeration of muscles.
I also love his beautiful and scantily clad women. :D
It's not easy to perform after Frazetta, Valejo, Kelly and Royo.
Hurrah for C. Quilliams! :wink:
If he did the covers, then the GM's screen is an artbook.

It's made up of the four covers:

Conan Core Rules
Road of Kings
Scrolls of Skelos
Thunder River

I wasn't plannig on getting the GM screen, but the GM had one at our Conan game last Saturday and the thing was beautiful. I'll be getting one next payday. Very, very pretty.
Darth Mikey said:
If he did the covers, then the GM's screen is an artbook.

It's made up of the four covers:

Conan Core Rules
Road of Kings
Scrolls of Skelos
Thunder River

I wasn't plannig on getting the GM screen, but the GM had one at our Conan game last Saturday and the thing was beautiful. I'll be getting one next payday. Very, very pretty.

Quilliams also drawn the cover for Pirate Isles with the cute Bêlit. It is indeed truly pleasant to have books with contents and with good art. I can store them proudly in my library (when I don't use them).

Within less than a year, Mongoose managed to better anything that was previously made for Conan in the field of RPG. That's also why most players are quite old. It was a long wait but our dearest wish was eventually realized.
I agree, the artwork for the Conan line is right up there with the stuff produced by Wizards and White Wolf, elite company indeed. It not only captures the spirit of Conan perfectly but it also is a pleasure to look at.

Just one more reason to love the mongoose.