[CONAN] Demoralize Opponent

I like the demoralize opponent feature of the Intimidate skill. I think it brings something to the game that is missing from the d20 mechanics...and, that is that sqeamish feeling a character might get in the pit of his stomach when he sees something like what is in the pics below come screaming at him, ready to separate the character from his life.



What I don't like about how the Demoralize Opponent maneuver is presented is that the effects only last for one combat round.


You've got something like one of the above screaming, yellin', doing everything it can to take your head off, and if you are intimidated at all, it's only for six seconds?


There's a rule in the Conan RPG called Terror of the Unknown. It's basically a Fear spell, but it ain't a spell at all. Anytime a character comes into contact with some heinous creature or demon, this check is made, with the consequences being akin to that of a Fear spell.

Failing this throw makes the character afraid for 3d6 rounds.

Don't you think that Demoralize Opponent should last for longer than a round?

I'm thinking that this should be a contest at the beginning of each fight. If you fail and are demoralized, then the effect lasts until you make the check--you get to re-try the save against it each round.

After you've made the check once, you are no longer effected by the effects of being demoralized.

Let me show you what I'm talking about in an example.

You're walking down a trail, when you see movement. It's a man, screaming a war cry, coming straight at you. You pull your weapon as melee is about to begin.

1. Roll Initiative.

2. Check to see if either side is demoralized. Remember that it is an action to attempt to demoralize someone, so if already in combat, an action must be spent in order to get the check. There is a chance that both sides are demoralized.

3. If someone is demoralized, then he gets to retry his save against it at the top of each round.

What do you guys think of this?

EDIT: Better Idea - How about a successfully putting damage on your foe also grants you a save vs. being demoroalize if you failed the check earlier?

That way, when you see that you can hurt the object of your fear, it helps you conquer that fear.

But...what about outside of combat rounds? Maybe the effect should last the same as Fear of the Unknown, which is 3d6 rounds?
Hmmmm, wow I guess I never read the rules closely enough.
I did not realize it only lasted six seconds! I thought it was for the entire encounter.

I like the concept of putting damage on the demoralizer as means of regaining your confidence, a lot. totally works.

What I did not like in the RAW was that it was a function of Charisma (I'm sure we discussed this in a previous thread IIRC?).
Spectator said:
What I did not like in the RAW was that it was a function of Charisma (I'm sure we discussed this in a previous thread IIRC?).

I had trouble with CHR as well, but, really, what other attribute works? CHR is the best choice of the six.

As far as the OP, I think I've found the answer! It seems the Pathfinder developers had the same issue with it, and they changed it. I like their changes (especially the increased range from threat range to 30 foot).

Click Here To See the Better Demoralize Rule
The reason it lasts a round is game balance. If you must have a flavor reason, think of it less as a dramatic scaring someone silly and more as a "that move was pretty awesome, maybe I can't take him" thought that comes and goes. Quite a bit of fiction has such round by round "concerns" in fights.

Without the Feats, yes, it's a rather pointless combat maneuver normally. It's when you don't want to kill someone or when you combine with other effects ... It's not -2 to attacks; it's -2 to attacks, ability checks, and saving throws.

With Steely Gaze, it's strong, being a FREE Action. Of course, you have to wait until 5th level (normally) to get the Feat. Menacing Aura is a massive upgrade (once you get to 13th level) being a constant "Dama-, er, Demoralize Shield" that, of course, is more important in some situations than others. Still, -2 to people's Massive Damage Saves is usually important. And, sorcerers kind of like the free Saving Throw penalty.

The Demoralize build is one that I'd put somewhere between common and rare.