Conan and the Shadow of the Sorcerer


Was strolling around on amazon website, picking up some books, and saw this. I didnt see it on the mongoose website, so Just wanted to know if anyone has any info on it. OR is it just a fancy scrolls of skel. ?

Conan and the Shadow of the Sorcerer (Unknown Binding)
by Greg Lynch

Product Details

Unknown Binding: 256 pages
Publisher: Mongoose Publishing (March, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 1904854990
A lot of pre-publication releases have incorrect authors. I have seen, for example, Pirate Isles with Ian Sturrock listed as author and as me as author, but it was written by Shannon Kalvar.

Hyboria's Finest still has August Hahn listed as author on Mongoose's site, although I am the author.
I believe Vincent has said somewhere that he's already written all the classbooks, which is great news. Now it's just a matter of waiting for them to come out.
Thanks Vincent, I havent been able to post or read the forum as much as I use to, with a increased work/school load. I just didnt see it on the upcoming mongoose list on the website, so wanted to get a good idea of what I was looking at. Well I guess Ill save my pennies and pick it up when it comes out.

Vincent, Will you be writing anymore source books? like the Aquilonia one? I know we always talk about that, but im behind the bell curve, so not to be cliche but " Help a brotha out".
Strom said:
I thought Jason was writing Conan and the Shadow of the Sorcerer ? :o's mixup. They straightened it out once, but the distributor has the wrong info and they keep "updating" the info with the wrong info.

Greg pointed this out to me.

Here's the corrected listing:
DasClay said:
Vincent, Will you be writing anymore source books? like the Aquilonia one? I know we always talk about that, but im behind the bell curve, so not to be cliche but " Help a brotha out".

Yes. I am almost finished with Shem - Gateway to the South and will soon be starting Stygia - The Sands of Death.
Thats pretty cool, I glad to hear it. Not trying to suck up or anything, but I really did like the work on the aquilonia book, I thought it was layed out great. only complaint was places like poitain and gunderland (sorry for misspelling) too me, didnt get but a few paragraphs. So does this mean that you will mostly be doing the Region source books :P
VincentDarlage said:
Yes, I have already written and finished Hyboria's Finest and Hyboria's Fallen.

And having playtested both of them, all I can say is WOW!

Ok, here's a little more... the thing we were most impressed about was the way that Vincent had added crunch but kept it fully within the flavour of Howard's Hyboria. Suggestions as to feat choices for class and race mixes to keep them within the original world context were extremely cool.

If you play Conan, these books are essential!

Samvail1 said:
VincentDarlage said:
Yes, I have already written and finished Hyboria's Finest and Hyboria's Fallen.

And having playtested both of them, all I can say is WOW!

Ok, here's a little more... the thing we were most impressed about was the way that Vincent had added crunch but kept it fully within the flavour of Howard's Hyboria. Suggestions as to feat choices for class and race mixes to keep them within the original world context were extremely cool.

If you play Conan, these books are essential!


Stop telling! How should I concentrate on work... :wink: