Raven Blackwell said:
And considering WASP means White AngloSaxon Protestant- is it prejudice or just the description of a demographic?
If it's a slang term, used in a derogatory fasion that refers to ethnicity, it is a racist. Prejudice and racism are mutually exclusive. There are some who believe that saying "ni**er" merely acts as a description of a demographic, but we all klnow that's a load of crap.
Raven Blackwell said:
Honestly, I dont'expect the "slit thier throat and toss em alive into a pit" mentality from anyone because it's pretty depraved.
Is it? They're just as dead any way you do it. Does it matter how they die? Guards, like soliders and mercenaries and anyone whose job is violence have to expect they might come to an unpleasant end. If they don't like that- don't take the pay. Become a street sweeper or poet.
And being ex-military and a world traveller trust me- once you step out from the lighted palaces of 'Western civilization' throat slitting and other such things can be a rather common thing.
Erm...they could ahve taken him prisoner or left him bound and gagged somewhere. Why kill him at all? Sheesh...you just proved my point and didnt'even realize it!!!! (lol) It's depraved, barbaric and uncivilized to regarg "slit his throat"as the only option; "slit his throat" versus "slit his throat and toss him into the monster infested pit"doubly so! :lol:
Raven Blackwell said:
That's politics- the Aquilonians and Stygians are both just rival powers. They hate each other because the other has power and land that the other wants.
No, because they are different
races. You dont' choose a "nationality" in this game, you pick a race. Generally, people fear and distrust because of race, not because of politics. You can see someone's race, not thier politics. They may argue and disagree because of politics, but racism, being irrational anyway, will pit one group against another regardless of political similarities simply because one person looks, eats or worships differently to another.
The fact is, regardless of where REHs ideas stemmed from, the game is set in a woprld where racism is rampant, but the reasons why are maleable by both the GM and the players. You want to play it up because you want your Cimmerian to learn that Southern Tribesmen are people too? Super. You want to start a down-trodden female aquilonian into a ruthless she-warrior against all odds? Go for it. But by the same token, that Cimmerian could believe the Tribesman, and indeed all ethnicities new to him, are simply men like him from the start. That aquilonian could simply be from a overbearing family who keep her from reaching her potential, to be a geat warrior, regardless of gender.
Raven Blackwell said:
...on the other hand I don't commit violence or consciously discriminate
The WASP and white-bread knocks and not withstanding (or being accidental), there are indirect means by which violence can be directed. Not picking, I just think that you've said the opposite in the past...reach out and touch someone lately? (hehe) :wink: