Can someone please list all the B5 Novels for me?
the wanting
the wanting
I don't even know if Mr. Saffel is still working for Del Rey, but I just sent an e-mail nonetheless. :lol: One can hope...There were six short stories published in "Amazing Stories" and the official "Babylon 5" magazine. Four of the six were written by series creator, J. Michael Straczynski and they are all considered canon. These stories are not available anywhere else but in their original publications.
However, there are copies of these stories floating around on the internet but JMS has asked people to stop distributing them in this manner. Not only is it against the law and infringes on various copyrights but it makes it less likely that these stories will ever be re-published again. If you would like to see these collected into a book, please contact: (thank you KoshN for providing this information!)
Del Rey Books
Steve Saffel, Senior Editor
1540 Broadway
NY, NY 10036-4040
Steve Saffel: