B5 Galactic Guide HardCover slated for february 2005


Mongoose at GamingReport said:
B5 Galactic Guide HardCover (d20) - $39.95

Containing studies on ancient planets and races, as well as detailing the varying political influences on the galaxy, The Babylon 5 Galactic Guide is a d20 resource for any Games Master or Player wishing to know more of the galaxy they operate in. In addition, the Galactic Guide provides rules for a variety of situations,circumstances, and occurrences, collated into a readily accessible source.
This is an eagerly awaited supplement for me. I hope we'll have pictures for those "ancient races" and that telepathy will get more detailed.
redlaco said:
Mongoose at GamingReport said:
B5 Galactic Guide HardCover (d20) - $39.95

Containing studies on ancient planets and races, as well as detailing the varying political influences on the galaxy, The Babylon 5 Galactic Guide is a d20 resource for any Games Master or Player wishing to know more of the galaxy they operate in. In addition, the Galactic Guide provides rules for a variety of situations,circumstances, and occurrences, collated into a readily accessible source.
This is an eagerly awaited supplement for me. I hope we'll have pictures for those "ancient races" and that telepathy will get more detailed.

Its not really a book on the First Ones or anything like that Redlaco so I wouldnt expect to see them pictured or even detailed in the Galactic Guide as it isnt really that kind of book (unless there are or will be chapters we never saw??).

Telepathy is not covered in this book either.

It is however a fantastically useful book and for the universe builders in particular out there, this is a definite must have!
Oh, thanks Neo for clearing that. I was hoping we'd get some info on the Ancients since the blurb stated "studies on ancient planets and races". I'm still eager to get it, mind. :)
redlaco said:
Oh, thanks Neo for clearing that. I was hoping we'd get some info on the Ancients since the blurb stated "studies on ancient planets and races". I'm still eager to get it, mind. :)

I cant really go into specifics because this book is way off and the whole NDA thing, but any reference to ancients.. is more as a matter of where they've been, rather than who, what, and where they are now.

This book will be a GM's best friend though for sure... plenty of useful rules and information in this book!
Satai Delenn said:
More B5 More B5 on the way more is good.

Amen to that :D

Oh and everyone should check out the new story arc "Wheel of Fire" when thats released too as its awesome!
Thanks for the kind words, Neo!

I, too, don't wish to step on NDAs, but I do wish to correct any false impressions...the GG is, basically, the ultimate guide to the B5 universe. It details LOTS of worlds, including many only mentioned briefly in canon or some which were just names on a map. It also tells you everything you might want to know about traveling in the universe, from the luxuries available on a Centauri cruiser to what happens when the Minbari catch you smuggling.

At the risk of going into advertising mode...if your B5 campaign ever takes you off the floorplates of the station itself, you will want this book. :)

Please forgive the lack of humility, but I think this is the best work I've done in the B5 line, and I hope the readers do, too.
I'm happy to hear that Lizard is the writer of this sourcebook, as I enjoyed his B5 articles in S&P.

From the sound of it, this is another must have... like all the others :twisted: . I think Mongoose are pushers for B5 junkies. No, they're dealers and the FLGS are the pushers. Yeah, that's it.

Good stuff, healthy addiction.
petitbilbo said:
Dag'Nabbit said:
I'll take one of everything please. :D

... with LOTS of gravy and french fries on the side please !



Please! At least have the decency to order proper thick chips. And surely a Belgian shouldn't be calling them french fries anyway, didn't a Belgian invent chips? And wouldn't you have them with mayonaisse anyway (A habit I never developed while I was there)

Not meaning to stereotype!
lastbesthope said:
And wouldn't you have them with mayonaisse anyway (A habit I never developed while I was there)

Not meaning to stereotype!

Well, it IS a stereotype !
As if Brits would only eat fish'n'chips...

(by the way, I'm from Germany... but living in Brussels since 16 years...)

To answer your question :
Mayonnaise? :shock:
YUK !!! :|

Give me some Spoo instead!


petitbilbo said:
(by the way, I'm from Germany... but living in Brussels since 16 years...)

To answer your question :
Mayonnaise? :shock:
YUK !!! :|

Give me some Spoo instead!



My apologies fellow poster. but would you have fresh (Narn) or aged (Centauri) spoo?

Wants the Galactic Guide
lastbesthope said:
My apologies fellow poster. but would you have fresh (Narn) or aged (Centauri) spoo?

Wants the Galactic Guide


Apologies accepted ! :o

Given my recently acquired taste for everything Centauri, I'd say I would rather their spoo over the Narn one. :P

Having almost finished his collection of Mongoose's B5 stuff and eagerly awaiting the next shipment!
Dag'Nabbit said:
I'll take one of everything please. :D

Count me in as well!

I have everything Mongoose has put out so far (and everything that AOG ever did plus a lot, lot more) and could not be happier in my B5 addicition! :lol:


PS. I'll take my Spoo Narn style please - nice and fresh!
I can't wait for this book. I've been making maps of the the different B5 eras in paintbrush, gathering info on systems, but I ran out of time and resources. This book will be perfect for modders and essential for the game. I want to know if there will be more systems on the map? Agents of Gaming had a huge map if you include the Orieni sector.