Neo said:
But it has always struck me as an odd thing whenever I see an american individual or store note they will only mail to the same country only. I mean surely so long as you get paid up front and the buyer is paying any postage/shipping where too should be irrelevant? The only real difference is licking a few more stamps and putting a bit stronger wrapping around the parcel.
I can't speak for the US, but I can speak from a UK perspective of mailing internationally.
For stores theres the problem of VAT calculations, and whether or not you're supposed to add it to the destintation country, which can then screw up your own VAT return (if you have any). Luckily, if you're dealing mostly in books, they're not VAT-able anyway, so maybe you can get away with either not charging on that particular order or not having to do a VAT return in the first place.
As an individual on ebay, I hesitate to send anything more than a single book internationally. First off you get complaints because it takes 8 weeks to get there by surface mail, or you get complaints because you charged the earth for air mail postage. Or you realise you undercharged when the post office tell you how much getting an international recorded delivery is and you end up paying the extra yourself. Or any one of a number of added hassles you can just do without
The problem of how long the item may take to get there also applies to stores. Sometimes you can hit problems with credit card companies where 8 weeks is seen as an intolerable delivery time and you end up with the customer doing a chargeback on their payment.
Finally the chance of a fradulent credit card being used rises if you go outside of your own country, and rises again if you go outside of the US and Europe (nothing personal, just a statistical fact), and some credit card processing insurance just won't cover those international payments. When you can't be certain that the money that the computer says you just got paid isn't going to disappear a couple of weeks later when the real card owner finds out and does a chargeback, then do you really want to make that sale?
And then who wants to buy from you when they have to pay by international money order (expensive to get) instead of credit card because you refuse to risk it, and you charge every tax you can think of "just in case", you've added an extra $10 for a signature on delivery, and an extra $10 in case that country turns out to be in a weird delivery band, plus you're waiting two weeks before you post it just to be 100% sure that payment clears, *and* on top of that their own customs authority might end up charging them import duty once it arrives.
All in all, sometimes it just isn't worth the hassle, to buyer or seller