Arenjun Info?


Hi all. I'm new to the forums and just started my own Conan RPG campaign. My group has started out in Shadizar and later on I'm going to be taking them to Arenjun to see if they can face the horrors of the Elephant Tower. I was just wondering if there was any more information of Arenjun other then what is presented in the Tower of the Elephant adventure?

Such as the Night Bazaar on the map?

Thanks in advance.

The Night Bazaar comes from Conan and the Prophecy, written by Roger E. Moore back in 1984. The book is set in Arenjun.

The night bazaar is an area of the maul reserved for people with evil business.
Thanks for the info Vincent. Isn't Conan and the Prophecy one of those turn the page and make your own adventure type books? I think I may have it in my collection of Conan books. I know I have one or two of that style. Found them at Gen Con several years back.

Anyway, thanks for the info on the Night Bazaar. It is going to be a little while before my party gets to Arenjun, since they are now revenging themselves against a rich merchant who double crossed them, and then I think I'm going to have a Cult of Jullah mess with them next.

Jumba said:
Thanks for the info Vincent. Isn't Conan and the Prophecy one of those turn the page and make your own adventure type books? I think I may have it in my collection of Conan books. I know I have one or two of that style. Found them at Gen Con several years back.

Anyway, thanks for the info on the Night Bazaar. It is going to be a little while before my party gets to Arenjun, since they are now revenging themselves against a rich merchant who double crossed them, and then I think I'm going to have a Cult of Jullah mess with them next.


This may be a tad off topic, but I remember a series called Choose Your Own Adventure that was a very clever concept, and TSR even had a few similar DnD-concept books in the very early 80's, although I can't remember the titles. It came with a pregen PC stat sheet in the book and required 1 or 2 d6's to play. Very clever indeed. That takes me back...