thulsa said:
Belkregos said:
I am going through the process of preparing to bring the characters in my campaign to Zamora (we are about to finish ancient kingdoms: Mesopotamia adapted to hyboria, great work Thulsa)
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Let us know how it all played out...
- thulsa
Warning some sppoilers
I only was able to run the adventure till chapter 10 “the Ziggurat of the ghoul queen” before work got kind of in the way and one of the players had to pick up the game, we just gave him the boot but Voltumna is going to finish the rest
After that im going to pick up again, that’s way I’m preparing
I’ll comment about the chapters I set up,
the one I enjoyed the most was “the red waste” I always enjoy interesting NPC’s and the Zuaguirs have a lot of flavor, the intrigue with the vulture priest made it interesting
the ziggurat of the ghoul queen was cool, the players where freaked out when they tried to sneak in through one of the back tunnels and I had the “sleeping” ghouls burrow in the tunnel walls covered in mud and they started to wake up when they where in the middle
the oasis of purple dreams was the first scenario I runned and it set the tone just right
the sea of bones gave a sense greatness, of walking in a place where forgotten history was written
They where barely able to escape the pit of Yaht, when the players figured out the background of the scenario they really liked it but knew better and did not return
Voltumna wrote about another session
“my zamorian thief is 10th level now! in our previous to last session, we were cought by the enemy. so in the last session we were bound in a tent, waiting to be sacrificed in a ghastly ritual to a dark god. the bounds were hard to escape, none could pull escape artist or strenght checks, but the barbarian (belkregos in this forum) doing a feat of strenght burst his bounds, and then everyone was untied. the thief sneaked out of the tent in the enemy campgorund, soldiers everywhere, but senaked into the next tent where there were a bunch of enemy soldiers asleep. the thief picked up an axe and slaughtered everyone in the tent laying there helpless, and at disadvantage to perceive noise. he then disguised himself as a enemy soldier, gathered a bunch of weapons and got back to his friends. he then got out again to create a diversion that would give alies a chance to escape. the thief entered two or three other tents with asleep soldiers, and slayed them all in their sleep. something like 20-24 foes. it was exhilarating to roll all that dice: 3d8 form the axe, 6d6 from sneak attack as he was unarnoured. the fort dcs were impossible to make in the order of 40+ dc. but as always, the thief failed his move silently check with the very last soldier laying helplessly asleep. the bastad awakened, and started shouting for help. there was a brief combat, and the thief slayed the soldier just before help was coming through the flaps of the tent. as the thief was already disguised as a soldier he shouted: "the asassin just escaped through the bakside of the tent, search for him!" the newly arrived soldiers hesitated for a while, but the thief pulled out the bluff, and started leading them in the chase in the oppiste direction of his firends! as they run thorugh ruined streets (playing mesopotamia) he directed the soldiers to follow different paths and got rid of all of them to finally escape to his own hideaway. it was pretty neat, none of my thieves never slayed so many foes in a single game session!
and then all the party came back and slayed the sorcerers and their henchmen. we got back our akbitanan weapons, and are ready to dungeon crawl again in the main ziggurat. it was tough. the thief didn't shine as before as expected, trying to get near to the archsorcerer to pull a sneak attack, but we are on the path of the tomb raider again.”
I’ll let Voltumna write about the chapters he is going to set up