The feat's benefit says:
You gain a +1 dodge bonus against all ranged weapons for each range increment the weapon must be shot or thrown to reach you. This dodge bonus is doubled if you are fighting defensively or executing the total defence standard action.
I have no problem undestanding the feat except for the fighting defensively part. Total defence is OK, but how can you fight defensively with someone not at reach? Unless you are also throwing ranged attacks, is that it?
You gain a +1 dodge bonus against all ranged weapons for each range increment the weapon must be shot or thrown to reach you. This dodge bonus is doubled if you are fighting defensively or executing the total defence standard action.
I have no problem undestanding the feat except for the fighting defensively part. Total defence is OK, but how can you fight defensively with someone not at reach? Unless you are also throwing ranged attacks, is that it?