Aramis: The Traveller Adventure - Now Available


Staff member
The original Traveller Adventure (actually a complete campaign!) is back, revisited and retweaked for the latest edition of the Traveller rules.

Two major shipping lines are developing their holds on the trade routes and are now caught in a cut-throat competition for a monopoly on trade and cargo transport. Into this situation steps an intrepid band of Traveller characters, ready to embark on the quest of their lives.

We have actually had a problem with this book and, unfortunately, during printing it developed a formatting error. This led to some issues with the deck plans (which are a new addition, covering all the added ships featured in this book). We are therefore, not going to be putting this book on general release, and you will not be able to buy it in stores.

So, what we have done is a) put the deck plans up on our site as a free download and b) reduced the price of the actual book by half.

You can grab a copy of the book here;


And the PDF version (which, of course, does not suffer from the formatting issue) is already available here;

If you have already pre-ordered this book at its original price, we will be in touch very soon - you won't be losing out!
Sorry to hear the book was mucked up. :(

What about those of us who were after both the book AND the PDF from a shop under bits and mortar?
Yeah, will there be a reprint that is corrected to allow us that like correct hard copies to get one from our local stores???

Does that imply that if you are not releasing through normal channels and not reprinting that the only place to buy a physical of the book is from Mongoose directly? Or will anyone else be allowedmto sell it in the future?
My point was that since the book is flawed and going cheap as a damaged item it is half price, the PDF is roughly the same price so if I buy both seperately I get the same deal I would have from a physical games shop (book and PDF) paying the same price but getting a damaged book AND not supporting a physical shop.
Mongoose: It should be mentioned on your website entry where the book is actually being sold that there is a problem with this book and that it has been reduced in price accordingly. If I went to the Mongoose site and purchased it there I would not be aware that there was a problem with the deck plans.

Otherwise if the book isn't being made available for general purchase it should be removed from your website completely and made available for purchase some other way (email/phone order etc).
It's a pity that there's an issue with the physical copy of this book - I picked up a copy of the PDF from RPG Now and it's a great update to the original adventure. The interior artwork is great too. It's funny how Mongoose can produce something like the Campaign Guide that doesn't really hit the spot one month and this product - which definitely does - the next...
Got the PDF through Drive Thru.

Really enjoyed it, BUT a few things sadly annoyed me:

1. No stats for any of the NPC's.

2. The whole Pysadian Escapade adventure was a complete waste of time. Every traveller group I have ever played in would have said the same thing. You are running a commercial operation, and there are no cargoes to be had and few passangers. You have two choices: The first is to cut and run for Zila and hope to pick up some revenue there. The second is to expend not small amounts of money and also time, going into the interior to try and pick up some wood which will be lucky to net you more than a few thousand credits at most. Every group would have cut and run. Even if the GM had said that the wood was worth 10,000 cr per ton (the most you can get for wood in the Merchant Guide) on Aramanx, most would still have cut and run. Also annoyingly no mention was made of what the wood would get on Aramanx, sloppy editing I think. Unfortunately also the Anola's are too obvious a source of the problems, however good an actor your GM is. Also that led into the largely irrelevent Psionics Institute scenario, which is also rather a waste of space. A well plotted red herring into any of the other investigations would have been better instead of those two adventures.

3. The typos went overboard this time. It rather spoke of too much of a rush to produce the campaign.
What about the start of the adventure? Is the PCs still expected to automatically take the side of a random victim of a mugging that they don't know from Adam and blithely break the law for his sake, commiting a difficult burglary for no clear gain purely in the interest of justice and based purely on Gvouzdon's say-so?

I also forgot to add that they keep on referring to Liaison as a skill, which no longer exists in this edition. I presume they mean Diplomacy instead.
And the actual name of the skill is... Diplomat... not Diplomacy.

There is a lot of confusion in the skill names because MGT changed some of the names and didn't keep the same Tense/Case/Aspect of the skill word.

It gets confusing.
While waiting for the book I was having a look at the deck plans and something is a bit odd with the Hercules?

It’s a 5000Dton cargo ship, jump 1. It has 600Dtpns of on board fuel and used 500Dtons for a single jump 1.

I can see why it would have external clamps for a 500Dton fuel drop pod, which doubles its range which is important for a Jump 1 ship.

What puzzles me is it has clamps to carry THREE 500Dton drop tanks? :?

Its jump drive has a maximum load of 5000Dtons so it cannot be jumping with them. It’s a 1G ship so it will drop below 1G if it flies with them in real space.

What does it do with the other 1000Dtons of fuel. On board fuel is good for 4 weeks, at 25Dtons week I suppose it could be for those really really long sub light trips when it needs 40 weeks endurance :lol:
Captain Jonah said:
While waiting for the book I was having a look at the deck plans and something is a bit odd with the Hercules?

The oddest thing about the Hercules is that it's a jump-1 design. Thanks to the peculiarities of Traveller ship design, jump-1 is horribly inefficient for any distance higher than one parsec, even when there is a viable jump-1 route. For getting stuff across a two-parsec gap it's even worse. Given the astrography of the Aramis subsector, a jump-2 design would beat any jump-1 design like a big bass drum.

The Hercules should be retconned as a jump-2 design or be prepared to be outcompeted by the first shipping line to come around with jump-2 ships.

If some upstart shiping line from the Regina sub-sector. Where to try and undercut the Tukera subsidiary Akerut. In the Aramis subector whith say jump 3 Cargo Carrier's. That might just start a Trade WAR!? :mrgreen: