Anyone pick up Red Sonja #0 today?

I read the book yesterday. It´s hard to find it here in Cologene. And you are right: There is not a real story in it.
What is with the following issues. Are they worth to buy it? I have read 2 of the RS novels, and they were ok. Not realy fitting to REH, but with a dark atmosphere.
Teutonic said:
What is with the following issues. Are they worth to buy it?
The 1st and 2nd issues haven't come out, though the comics news sites have been flooded with images of variant covers for each issue.

They're indulging in the worst sort of artificial collectibility - by releasing a half-dozen or more covers for each one to snare the obsessive completist collectors.
spawn said:
I didnt like it, besides the ridiculous costume, the whole "cheesecake" nature of it turned me off a bit. Im willing to give it a few issues before I decide completely though, it was only a small preview, and what they have in store for the regular comic sounds good.

But really, that idiotic costume HAS to go! (I imagine she must have cuts all over her body thanks to it, not to mention it rusting in the rain...)

I agree with you about the cuts and the rust :lol: , but did you and Raven Blackwell read a Vincent791's comment about the Sonja's clothes (and completed with a reading suggestion I gave)? See