Adventure 1 : Beltstrike - Asteroids Question


Emperor Mongoose
I've got two questions about page 7's "Asteroid Size and Yield" table:-

1. There is no size in tons for a) a small planetoids or b) large planetoids in the Size/Extent table. What should they be?

2. The right hand column, "Resource Yield" is very confusing. a) what does 1D% mean? or b) what does 10 + 6D% mean?

Another observation - instead of referring to die rolls of "1d6" the author refers to rolls of "1D"
To answer your questions in reverse order...

The Resource Yield indicates the percentage of the object’s mass that has been determined in the Resource Presence Table. You roll 2D6/2d6/2D and cross reference on the table. If you get a result of 4D%, for example, roll 4D6, total the result, and that is the percentage of the composition that is a mineable resource. In a 100 ton rock, an average 4D6 % would be 14%, or 14 tons of mineable stuff.

Small and large planetoids aren't given a tonnage simply because of their size. A large planetoid could be hundreds of kilometres across, and at that scale, its actual tonnage is a bit of an irrelevance.

Any planetoid is going to be at least 1,000,000 tons, and at that size of tonnage, of more interest to hull builders. terraformers and very large corporations.