ACTA:SF release

archon96 said:
Has anyone that ordered through a distributer gotten their stuff yet, just spoke with the company i placed my order through and there still waiting to recieve the product from mongoose. also has anyone gotten there CC yet for purchasing over $150 dollars worth.

Nope. The distributor that my FLGS goes through (actually all 3 of them) still don't have the product. The most reliable of the three said they expected to see it around the 20th, but I didn't put to much on it with the season. I expect to get mine after the New Year.

As for the CC, while I certainly qualify (rule book, plus Klingon & Federation fleet boxes) I masterfully lost my actual receipt :shock: I am not worried about getting my stuff from the shop, they are very meticulous about such things and I know all the owners very well. But I can't realistically expect Mongoose to take my word on it :wink: So I never asked.
Folks, this is what I know.

Everything is being shipped just as fast as the companies can do so. In all honesty, you all surprised us. No one expected that so many people would want the books and the minis. That they did so is a tribute to you, the fans. You went out, talked this up on the various forums, got people excited, and there were far, far more orders than expected.

None of us are happy that you are disappointed. :( It honestly upsets everyone here in Amarillo; I know, because we've all talked about it.) We are trying to make sure this NEVER happens again.

Jean said:
Folks, this is what I know.

Everything is being shipped just as fast as the companies can do so. In all honesty, you all surprised us. No one expected that so many people would want the books and the minis. That they did so is a tribute to you, the fans. You went out, talked this up on the various forums, got people excited, and there were far, far more orders than expected.

None of us are happy that you are disappointed. :( It honestly upsets everyone here in Amarillo; I know, because we've all talked about it.) We are trying to make sure this NEVER happens again.


Bad news, a bunch of people I've spoken with are more than a little unhappy about the delay. Whatever the next release for ACTA:SF is, it will not get the same turn out. People will look back to this, THE launch for Star Fleet to a new system, and see the ball got dropped. I know I won't be pre-ordering anything further, regardless of pre-order bonuses. It's just not worth it after hearing "unable to keep up, delayed," not once, but multiple times.

Locking the barn door after the horses got out doesn't help. Assuring us that this was a one time thing is a cold comfort for people who write out Christmas Cards saying gifts will arrive between Jan 20th and Whenever.

People who are fans of ABD and MGP won't stop buying and may even crossover a bit more than they do. It's the people who aren't regulars who are mostly turned off by this, the new blood that boosted sales is slowly dripping to tile. I'm not saying the next release won't be big, just don't look to get the same turn out.
SVC just posted on ADB's boards (reprinted with his permission):

Mongoose advises that they've got new people hired and new equipment ordered to triple production after 1 Jan 2012 and will "re-launch" the line in mid-January with proper inventory levels, quality control, and shipping schedules.

In the meantime, Robert Glass is working through the holidays to get orders out as fast as he can.

This was one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time (back when ADB approved the idea of a rushed Christmas launch) but just did not work out. Production turned out to be much slower than expected, and orders were much higher than expected. We thought it was something like "double the orders, half of the production" but it is in fact more like "triple the expected orders, one-third of the expected production."

Some promises made by Mongoose (e.g., get your ships for Christmas) are (obviously) not going to be kept. This is not because they've been busy partying, but because, well, as I said, production turned out to be 1/3 of the expected rate and orders three times the expected level.

Some major wholesalers still do not have stock and in fact some major wholesaler shipments have not even been made.

We appreciate everyone bearing with Mongoose and ADB on this issue. The two companies have different systems. In our case, if we cannot ship it in time, we cancel the order and ask you to re-order later. Mongoose does not cancel the order unless you ask them to and will ship it as soon as they humanly can. If you ordered something and weren't happy, contact the company you ordered it from (both respond promptly) and you can expect to be properly taken care of.

Two caveats there.

First, Mongoose-UK is probably not going to be in the office before January 2nd or 3rd. (ADB is here; like I said, two different company cultures.) Rob at Mogoose-Ohio will be there. I won't post his address but I will forward email if asked. Rob handles production and shipping, not billing and invoicing, so he may not be able to answer some questions.

Second, any 2500s shipped by ADB which are missing, damaged, or defective will be replaced by Mongoose (that's how the contract works) which is sort of good because we pretty much sold out of stuff and you'll get replacements faster from Mongoose. [We do have rulebooks in stock with more in transit. We have a very few Fed and Klingon squadron boxes and a few individual ships. We do not have fleet boxes and cancelled all of the orders were got for those.]
I ordered pre-ordered 2 fleet boxes figuring I could get a nice selection of ships some mini books and get them before the game is available for the most part and get the bonus mini instead. Mind you I dint NEED this I just wanted the game in hand and at the time shipping beginning December 5th was pretty much set in stone. So I plunk down $200 based on these assurances.

As of today its almost 3 weeks delayed with pretty much a get to the fleets as soon as we can forecast and in the meantime a seller here in California has just got the books and squadrons in stock. While I am not in the same city I order from them regularly and it takes 2-3 days for me to get my orders more or less reliably. So if I ordered the book and squadrons on monday I would have them by the end of next week. There is no telling when I will get my order from mongoose, in the meantime my money for this game is tied up with them and the models and books are now in stock and available here in California.

I want to cancel my order.
So there is nobody now to contact to cancel my order for a refund so I can get the models from the local seller that HAS THEM. yay..........

What I dont get is how can a retailer get stuff before the pre-orders? Shouldnt everything that has been produced have gone to filling pre-orders?
I ordered $150 through both Mongoose and ADB so I could get 2 Command Cruisers. I got shipment notification of a partial order from ADB a day or so ago. Does this mean the fleet box I ordered was cancelled? If it was does that also mean that my Command Cruiser is a no go?
DHarris, no one here can answer that offically, so I would suggest that you send an e-mail to Leanna at and ask her. I think I know what the answer will be -- if I'm right, you should be happy (as much as one can be with the productin delays). :)
Spence said:
As for the CC, while I certainly qualify (rule book, plus Klingon & Federation fleet boxes) I masterfully lost my actual receipt :shock: I am not worried about getting my stuff from the shop, they are very meticulous about such things and I know all the owners very well. But I can't realistically expect Mongoose to take my word on it :wink: So I never asked.

If your game store uses a point of sales or some other computerized receipt system or otherwise track customer purchases (and just exactly what they purchase), you could ask them to pull up the sales record. Not many Gamestores do though, that I know of (only my local one and one of the four or five others I know of do).
I wish I would have pre ordered through ADB. At least I would have my money back in my pocket and could at least have bought the items from a retailer that has them. I am usually patient and in no big hurry but when the program goes off track to this extent I start to get a little burned on the whole thing. At this point I just want to walk away and come back later when things are on track whenever that may be.

Given this and the horribly messed up Traveller book and a series of mispacked NA models that I have yet to see satisfaction on after weeks of waiting there as well this is shaping up to be some of the worst string of mistakes I have had with a single company in a long long time, maybe the most problems ever. As of now I have about $300 tied up in Mongoose in either unrealized orders or defective merchandise sitting on my shelf.
hermitbob said:
Bad news, a bunch of people I've spoken with are more than a little unhappy about the delay. Whatever the next release for ACTA:SF is, it will not get the same turn out. People will look back to this, THE launch for Star Fleet to a new system, and see the ball got dropped. I know I won't be pre-ordering anything further, regardless of pre-order bonuses. It's just not worth it after hearing "unable to keep up, delayed," not once, but multiple times.

Locking the barn door after the horses got out doesn't help. Assuring us that this was a one time thing is a cold comfort for people who write out Christmas Cards saying gifts will arrive between Jan 20th and Whenever.

People who are fans of ABD and MGP won't stop buying and may even crossover a bit more than they do. It's the people who aren't regulars who are mostly turned off by this, the new blood that boosted sales is slowly dripping to tile. I'm not saying the next release won't be big, just don't look to get the same turn out.

I realize you are disappointed, but I think its ridiculous to give up on a game you only days ago wanted really bad, just because it arrives later than you expected. The game itself is still the same, and you will be able to enjoy it for months if not years. Who really cares that much about couple of weeks?!?! Not everything in this world is instant gratification.

FWIW when I ordered from my LGS he told me it would arrive sometime in January - and this was well over a month ago.
I ordered 5 lots of stuff from different companies this Christmas and so far I've received nothing. I got a despatch note for one dated today, I may be receiving another tomorrow, I got told by another that the book I want is out of print (two weeks after they took my order), and I've heard literally nothing from the other.

That's nothing compared to my daughters Christmas present, as the Barbie California Dreamhouse was advertised (and included in sales) at three major retailers, none of whom had any stock in the entire country and I ended up sourcing one from some grim retail estate after a lot of hunting.

From that perspective I can handle the issues with ACTA:SFU, as underestimating the popularity of it doesn't surprise me at all, and I've got faith in Matt that I'll have the fleet boxes in January. And I was going to be spending Christmas Day working out how to assemble Barbie stuff anyway.

With hindsight Mongoose probably should have gone for squadron boxes and rulebook in December and Fleet boxes in January, because then you just need 15 minis in production for the splash release.
Ben2 said:
I ordered 5 lots of stuff from different companies this Christmas and so far I've received nothing. I got a despatch note for one dated today, I may be receiving another tomorrow, I got told by another that the book I want is out of print (two weeks after they took my order), and I've heard literally nothing from the other.

That's nothing compared to my daughters Christmas present, as the Barbie California Dreamhouse was advertised (and included in sales) at three major retailers, none of whom had any stock in the entire country and I ended up sourcing one from some grim retail estate after a lot of hunting.

From that perspective I can handle the issues with ACTA:SFU, as underestimating the popularity of it doesn't surprise me at all, and I've got faith in Matt that I'll have the fleet boxes in January. And I was going to be spending Christmas Day working out how to assemble Barbie stuff anyway.

With hindsight Mongoose probably should have gone for squadron boxes and rulebook in December and Fleet boxes in January, because then you just need 15 minis in production for the splash release.

I have ordered a number of things from various sources and I have received everything. This is not a postal delay this is a production backup. Even that I can understand but to not offer us a back out or something is bad form. Especially when at this point I can buy the stuff from a store. That is what frosted my Wheaties today.
AdmiralGrafSpee said:
I realize you are disappointed, but I think its ridiculous to give up on a game you only days ago wanted really bad, just because it arrives later than you expected. The game itself is still the same, and you will be able to enjoy it for months if not years. Who really cares that much about couple of weeks?!?! Not everything in this world is instant gratification.

FWIW when I ordered from my LGS he told me it would arrive sometime in January - and this was well over a month ago.

I haven't given up on the game, I am just no longer interested in continuing to procure it. I was looking forward to a Fleet Box from the Big 3 and even the Z and G, but after seeing that ADB and MGP are unable to meet their commitments, I have absolutely zero confidence in the product at this point.

My order was going to my gaming group for painting comps and friendly tourneys. Post Christmas Family Recovery Period and New Years Start Right are the times to see what games catch our interest and promote anything we felt would expand the options of the LGS and club. NA is/was something we were looking at seriously, my interest SKYROCKETED with SF for ACTA. I was pumped, everyone I told started to get pumped, then one delay, then one delay, then one delay, not pumped anymore. A different game will be at our table this holiday season and ACTA SF won't even get an honorable mention. Not because we won't like it, I'm pretty sure it is going to be good, it won't be mentioned because it's not going to be at the table.

I will receive my primary order, if my gaming group insists I will pick up the FB of Kzinti and Gorn, but after that I'm finishing off building my NA Noble House Fleets, then I'm done. I doubt I'm purchasing from MGP for any of my items in the future. eBay, TWS, FRP, SFG, and MM all provide for discounted mini's and don't leave me hanging. It's sad, I wanted to like this game so much, but this does it for me. I can't like a game I can't play.
hermitbob said:
AdmiralGrafSpee said:
I realize you are disappointed, but I think its ridiculous to give up on a game you only days ago wanted really bad, just because it arrives later than you expected. The game itself is still the same, and you will be able to enjoy it for months if not years. Who really cares that much about couple of weeks?!?! Not everything in this world is instant gratification.

FWIW when I ordered from my LGS he told me it would arrive sometime in January - and this was well over a month ago.

I haven't given up on the game, I am just no longer interested in continuing to procure it. I was looking forward to a Fleet Box from the Big 3 and even the Z and G, but after seeing that ADB and MGP are unable to meet their commitments, I have absolutely zero confidence in the product at this point.

My order was going to my gaming group for painting comps and friendly tourneys. Post Christmas Family Recovery Period and New Years Start Right are the times to see what games catch our interest and promote anything we felt would expand the options of the LGS and club. NA is/was something we were looking at seriously, my interest SKYROCKETED with SF for ACTA. I was pumped, everyone I told started to get pumped, then one delay, then one delay, then one delay, not pumped anymore. A different game will be at our table this holiday season and ACTA SF won't even get an honorable mention. Not because we won't like it, I'm pretty sure it is going to be good, it won't be mentioned because it's not going to be at the table.

I will receive my primary order, if my gaming group insists I will pick up the FB of Kzinti and Gorn, but after that I'm finishing off building my NA Noble House Fleets, then I'm done. I doubt I'm purchasing from MGP for any of my items in the future. eBay, TWS, FRP, SFG, and MM all provide for discounted mini's and don't leave me hanging. It's sad, I wanted to like this game so much, but this does it for me. I can't like a game I can't play.

FRP has them in stock. Thats what got me all bent. Especially since they are about 400 miles away and can get me stuff pretty fast. I dont understand the prioritizing here. I pre-ordered to be the first to get the stuff and now I can get it from a discount retailer faster than the producer of the product can get it to me. I dont care if its fleet packs or squadron packs I dont even want the mini book. I just wanted to get the models.

Well nothing can be done now. Well it probably could but nobody is manning the hq now.
By the time I get my ships I probably wont give a rats ass anymore.
You know, nobody likes delay, especially the designer/publisher. But unless you absolutely needed it for Christmas, I don't see any reason to get so upset as to pull your orders. I put $820 on the table for over a hundred ships, so I'm just as disappointed as the rest of you all about the delays. Am I pulling my orders? No. I don't know Mongoose, but I do know Steve Cole / ADB ... and if they tell me I should expect great minis soon, I'm willing to trust that it'll happen.
I'm sure it couldn't be possible that they are filling orders in the order received, and Warpath Games (FRP) placed their order before you?

You could always shoot an e-mail to cancel your direct order, and place an order in with FRP... or order from FRP and resell/trade/gift your first order.

Currently waiting on a Rulebook and Connie from Mongoose, and two Squads from an LGS. Would have been nice to have the Connie built and painted by my Dad's birthday on Wed (As its for him), but he'll be happy to get it when it comes in. No intentions on canceling, and I'll still preorder Tholians when they are listed.
Oh, I have no doubt the minis will be fantastic. It's not that at all. It's just that both ADB and MGP will take much flak from this for years and many consumers will not become customers because of this snafu.

My club WAS interested in ACTA NA and SF, but after this they're not interested in doing business with a company that makes mistakes like this. SFB and FC is something I have been pushing for a while for us to pick up, but everyone was leery of the rules, after this I don't even want to spend any more if the goods won't be there. It's not real rational with SFB, the rules are already out and have been for a long time, but I CAN NOT convince my club to pick it up after this. If I am the only one in the area who is willing to play the game what's the point?

And there is the problem the delay has caused ADB and MGP. People who would otherwise promote or even buy the game, won't. I can't even find good things to say about the game anymore. The models yes, good, fantastic, superb; the game? Not a peep from me.
Steve posted somethng a little while back: there's a story of a young woman who just got married and then was disappointed that her new husband's house did not provide her with everything her father's house provided her mother over thrity years of marrage.

When FedCmdr came out, everyone wanted everything ported over from SFB like Right NOW! It took a couple years, but now players are happy with the pace of new product releases.

This is a new venture, and it'll take a little bit of time to work the kinks out, but I have a feeling that once they do get the ball rolling, everyone will be pleased enough with the results to forgive a little growing pain at the beginning.
Well its not like its the end of the world here, were all not going to keel over if we don't have our resin spaceships immediately. I've preordered over $160, and sure I'm a little bummed that they haven't come yet, but I'm not going to get mad over it. Of course its going to be hectic at Christmas time, I'm giving them some slack and trusting that they'll get it all squared away. I'm still excited they're doing all these ships in the first place. :D