Hi, Matthew!
A) First of all thank you for answering my curious questions....like Lone Stranger I`m very glad to hear something about the new product line.
B) I want to write some comments to the points 1/2/3/4/5 (see above)
ad 1.) I`m not a metal fan, because they are more expansive than plastic ones and second plastic gives you, as designer, more possibilities....
ad 2.) It`s okay - it won`t hurt me
ad 3.) That`s great - I`m curious to see especially the new warmeks. I hope your warmek designers will be very creative (Arachno-meks, meks with 3 or 4 arms, double seaters, giant armour plates / moon-mars-space warmeks etc.)
ad 4.) Great! Great! Great!
ad 5.) Great! Great! Great!
C) I`ve some additional questions
- although this game is in an early stage - perhaps you can answer some of them!
*) How will you sell your miniatures - in randomly packed or single mek packages
**) Will there be expansion-packs, something like "A2092" or the "the conquest of Mars" or the "the Battle of London", with new, better meks?
***) Do you plan to introduce powered battle armours?
According to the number of visitors of this topic many people are interested in this new game,......so I hope this will be a success for you and your team.
A) First of all thank you for answering my curious questions....like Lone Stranger I`m very glad to hear something about the new product line.
B) I want to write some comments to the points 1/2/3/4/5 (see above)
ad 1.) I`m not a metal fan, because they are more expansive than plastic ones and second plastic gives you, as designer, more possibilities....
ad 2.) It`s okay - it won`t hurt me
ad 3.) That`s great - I`m curious to see especially the new warmeks. I hope your warmek designers will be very creative (Arachno-meks, meks with 3 or 4 arms, double seaters, giant armour plates / moon-mars-space warmeks etc.)
ad 4.) Great! Great! Great!
ad 5.) Great! Great! Great!
C) I`ve some additional questions

*) How will you sell your miniatures - in randomly packed or single mek packages
**) Will there be expansion-packs, something like "A2092" or the "the conquest of Mars" or the "the Battle of London", with new, better meks?
***) Do you plan to introduce powered battle armours?
According to the number of visitors of this topic many people are interested in this new game,......so I hope this will be a success for you and your team.