Recent content by WildHealer

  1. WildHealer

    Is this idea ridiculous?

    Certainly not a ridiculous idea - you should have a ball coming up with a rationale! Here's my rambling: I'm assuming Glorantha as your base - so will ignore references to Orcs. So what you're looking at is a group of representatives of the "Elder Races" (elves, dragonewts, dwarfs, trolls)...
  2. WildHealer

    Villians in your runequest games

    I use Chaos a lot in my Glorantha games - it's one of the deepest and richest aspects of Glorantha, and runs through just about everything. As Duncan_Disorderly pointed out, it's nothing like Moorcockian Chaos, which in a sense is just as life-promoting as Law, just "disorderly", the promoter...
  3. WildHealer

    Chaos Campaign?

    Also have you checked out the religions section on There's a lot of good background on there about the chaos cults - not game-specific these days, but certainly plenty to flesh out any bare-bones cult writeups you may have. I use the...
  4. WildHealer

    The Ultimate Runequest World !!!!

    There are actually a LOT of Hawkmoon supplements published by Oriflam in French - including sourcebooks for Granbretan, the Kamarg, France, Espaniya, Scandia, the East, plus heaps of scenario books too. In general the standard is extremely high and preserves the Hawkmoon atmosphere very well...
  5. WildHealer

    Questions regarding supplements to MRQ

    Loz Wrote: Good to know. I'll look forwards to seeing what you come up with! Sarah
  6. WildHealer

    Questions regarding supplements to MRQ

    Hi Loz, That sounds very interesting. I don't use the Mongoose RQ rules at the moment, mainly because I don't consider them to scale well at the upper levels (which games like HeroQuest manage superbly - if in a very different idiom). This to me has always been a missed opportunity and one...
  7. WildHealer

    Glorantha and Campaign Cartographer

    Well, I've just tried opening the file with the CC2 Viewer, and although it's screwed about with the custom colours and removed all the symbols, it's actually relatively unharmed. You'd need to jig about with the colours to get it looking halfway decent though. Remember too this is basically a...
  8. WildHealer


    Hi Vadrus, Sorry for getting your hopes up - I hadn't realised it had become so hard to get! Just checked out Tradetalk.De, Leisuregames, etc, and you're right - no one seems to have it at the mo. Maybe lurking on eBay is the only way at the mo... Have you tried emailing Rick directly at...
  9. WildHealer


    It really depends what period you're talking about. Robcradle itself only existed for about 20 years or so, from its founding by Thanrax in appx. 780 to its destruction by Paragua the giant in 800. I think the old Big Rubble boxed set had occasional tidbits and maybe even a map of Robcradle's...
  10. WildHealer

    Glorantha and Campaign Cartographer

    Hi there, I use CC3, DD3, and City Designer 2 for my Glorantha stuff. Most of my stuff is in Dragon Pass, but I do have a "master" file covering Dragon Pass and Prax which I could send you. It's pretty much empty of all the social stuff - it just contains the contours and watercourses of...
  11. WildHealer

    Cults 2 Preview

    The preview is a close paraphrase of the corresponding sections in the HeroQuest rules - almost word for word. It's an interesting approach - the first time MRQ has shown itself to be related to HQ in any way. I wonder if there's any greater significance to that. Nice cover too!
  12. WildHealer

    Which Book will I find Folk Magic in?

    DBC, that's one heck of a cool contents page - sounds extremely interesting! Thanks for taking the time. Tragically for my bank account that does sound like one book I have to start saving my hard-earned pennies for... The Dragon Magic & God Learner Sorcery stuff will hopefully be prime...
  13. WildHealer

    Changes. New things. Revisions. Reimaginings.

    That's pretty similar to my experience with high-level campaigns, Vatras. What do you think though of the lack of direction which RQ3 had for high-level characters? That was something which always frustrated me, and which meant me eventually moving high-level campaigns over to the HeroQuest...
  14. WildHealer

    Which Book will I find Folk Magic in?

    Thanks Mongoose Acolyte - that answers my main question. Is there any chance we could get some Table-of-Contents type previews of what's actually in Cults of Glorantha, Magic of Glorantha, & Players Guide to Glorantha? I think it'd be very useful to see where the various bits & pieces are...
  15. WildHealer

    Which Book will I find Folk Magic in?

    Oops- you're quite right Simon! I actually mean FOLK magic, from p8 of the Second Age book. Trying to find some more on that, amongst other things.