Recent content by torch_music

  1. T

    Dredd Videogame

    I would love to see a MM online game, but I would want to be able to play a citizen as well as a judge. Avoiding detection while building up your criminal empire, while other PC and AI judges try to catch you and possibly bumping heads against other PC & AI villians. That would be fun.
  2. T

    JD Rules question

    That was harsh, funny, but harsh. How about running a chase scene, any advice? Thanks
  3. T

    JD Rules question

    I am running a JD adventure for the first time (Full Eagle Day) and have a rules question. One of my cadet judges did a Called Shot to the Leg on a fleeing perp. He successfully hit doing 16 points of damage to a lvl1 Citizen with only 6hp. Technically he should have been killed outright, but I...