just got mine today first thing I noticed is a spelling mistake on the spine it says "The Maters of Darkness" haven't even opened inside it yet though to check the rest
I just wanted to say thanks to Joe for being at salute it was the first time I have ever met him he was a true gentleman as I expected and I got to talk to him for a while and get my books signed thanks to all you guys who made this possible.
On the 15/01 it was added to the mongoose blog that a signed copy of book 5 could be picked up from the mongoose publishing stand. with the chances to the printing for the books will this still be possible and if so did it mean the book would be available to purchase or that existing mega-deal...
Under British law you can advertise something for whatever price you like but it is not until the retailer agrees to do the deal at that price, IE takes payment and issues a receipt at that price that the price is set for an item. So I could own a shop advertising a car for 3p, until I choose to...
No it was definetly mentioned somewhere (I though here) that it was related to the odd nature of magics and gaining power.
EDIT: found it
I never got to play it but I have all the books, Dungoeneer, Out of the Pit, Titan and Blacksand. Balgin is right Blacksand has some really good details for a city, I also enjoyed reading Titan which had the history and current info on the world of Titan.
The RPG has reappeared on the site but with a changed blurb that seems to hint it includes parts for magic of Magnamund as well as some new things not in any previous books. But the Isbn no. and MGP number are the same as the previous release.
Is it possible that someone can clear up if this is...
1. What is the starting age of a Kundi?
2. Does he have any starting gold or equipment?
3.How long does the +1 bonus to morale from life-joy last?
4.More of a dessi mage question When using elder art prophecy-Aura sight how long does this ability last after it is activated?
Okay, another couple of questions about the kundi their is no starting gold, possible equipment or starting age what should these be?
How easy would it be to purchase a Kunlari would it be only available to purchase in southern magnamund or might you find them elsewhere?
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