Recent content by Speaker-to-Dreamworlds

  1. S

    Conan vs. DAWN OF THE DEAD

    Looks very good, yup. If you want to give the players a real scare, however, give the zombies DRwhatever:called shot: a called shot (to the head, of course) granting a circumstance bonus of, oh, 4 to 6 or so, to the zombies DR. But don't tell them this ahead of time. Let them figure it out on...
  2. S

    Let me ask a couple questions.

    Dodgeing a touch attack: I don't think touching the shield counts. Touching you sure, or your clothes, or you armor. But not your cloak. Or your sword. Makes too many ambiguities. So a shield obscures the rest of you, fluxing up the other guy's attempt. Part of a dodge vs. a melee attack could...
  3. S

    Thoughts on Armor

    Maybe. I do agree with you that some COnan OGL DRs seem to high as given. DR 4 for a leather Jerkin, for instance. Or DR 6 for a horse. (Now there's a question for the "rulemasters". Why is it that an elk's DR is 2, a regular horse's is 4, and a warhorse's DR is 6? What, when they give a horse...
  4. S

    Let me ask a couple questions.

    1) so, while he's dancing in and out and running around, is there any reason why he shouldn't be carrying a shield? (Since it's not like a shield prevents him from doing that.) A Swashbuckling fencer - sure. A thief - no question. A quarterstaffman - duh. A barbarian? 2) Dodging doesn't work...
  5. S

    Unarmed Parry?

    One option if you want the players to roll their attacks, but don't want to increase the amount of rolling in the game is to adopt some or all of the "Players Roll All the Dice" optional rule from the new Unearthed Arcana. In this casse, the way that would work is that, along with rolling their...
  6. S

    Unarmed Parry?

    I would require that a character had Improved Unarmed or some kind of weapon to Parry with. And if a player tried to argue with me I'd whack him with the book. :P
  7. S

    Thoughts on Armor

    Conan Breastplate DR 6 is because of all the armor that isn't there on the arms and legs, theoretically: Plate DR is 10. Note that armor that isn't there in this system lowers CV, which is the number you have to roll above the other guy's DV to land a Finesse attack. segmentata was supposed to...
  8. S

    My armour house rules

    That was always my rule as well: wielding two-handed gives you a STR bonus of +1 if yours is 0 or reduces a penalty by one if you have one. Never made sense to me any other way, really.
  9. S

    My armour house rules

    Yup. Also, of course, because the weapons you needed to wield to punch through the other guy's armor started to need two hands to wield. It's not a big help to be invulnerable if you can't hurt the other guy either. :wink: By the way: if you haven't seen it, over in Iron_Chef's New Weapons...
  10. S

    Thoughts on Armor

    Nutsoid. There was supposed to be a "War Hat" and a "Corinthian", too. But your brilliant idea in your own thread has answered my question on that regard anyway, so no big deal. Follows some specific well known types of armor not previously set down. Roman Legionaire's Armor Banded Plate...
  11. S

    Thoughts on Damage.

    Well, as to the first question: two reasons. First, not everyone has Torn Asunder, and its rules are optimised for vanilla 3.0/3.5 D&D anyway, so some changes are appropriate. Second, because Torn Asunder for all its grooviness, still involves several tables, and I'm trying to cut them diwn toi...
  12. S

    Let me ask a couple questions.

    Is there a thematic reason why a medium level Barbarian shouldn't be using a shield in Melee? Is there a good mechanical reason why you shouldn't get your shield bonus if you are dodging in Melee? (Not being argumentative, by the way, just want to know.)
  13. S

    My armour house rules

    You see that? You know what that is? That's freaking brilliant, that's what that is! Why didn't I think of that? Hmm. Off to plot.
  14. S

    Thoughts on Damage.

    If the truth be told, I'm really just trying to work out the consequences for myself by putting them down somewhere. Playtest over IP, you could say. I don't have a group just at the moment, y'see. It would be more helpful, tho, if people could make some more substantial comments than "looks...
  15. S

    Thoughts on Damage.

    This is not intended as a replacement for the main Conan OGL damage system. It is, instead, a kind of "anti-mook" rule, intended to give PCs and important NPCs both a little more durability, and a more interesting pallette of responses to taking serious damage than "I fall down, go Boom!". I...