Recent content by Solmyr

  1. S

    News about new Conan movie

    I still think Arnie should do a "King Conan" movie (perhaps based on Hour of the Dragon), once he retires from his governorship... and he'll have enough money to finance and direct it himself!
  2. S

    Khitai: WHY?

    Loz, thanks for your posts. I am now very interested in reading the Khitai sourcebook and may even have a visit there for my PCs! :) Out of curiosity, how did you treat it geographically? REH mentions "the jungles of Khitai" and Vincent's maps place it entirely in the tropical zone, while the...
  3. S

    Catching sorcerers with their pants down

    Reread the posts please. I didn't say that they are weak. I said that they seem to be arrogant and underestimate their opposition, which is ultimately what brings them down.
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    Khitai: WHY?

    This assumes you use the default map, and not one from Vincent Darlage which fits the REH descriptions better. ;) Where can I find the S&P article on Aghrapur, by the way?
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    Khitai: WHY?

    If there's more than two pages devoted to martial arts I'm not buying it. :P
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    Khitai: WHY?

    Anyhow, my wishlist (in roughly the order of preference) would be something like... Turan (including Kozaki steppe and Zamboula/Eastern Desert with environs) Nemedia/Border Kingdom Zamora (I know we have the Shadizar box but it's not very detailed on the rest) Vendhya (including Ghulistan and...
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    Catching sorcerers with their pants down

    I've been thinking about it, and it seems that most sorcerers in Hyboria are so arrogant and certain that nothing can touch them, that ultimately the best way to defeat them is to play on that arrogance. Consider: - Thoth-Amon gets his magic ring stolen by a common thief, and ends up enslaved...
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    Khitai: WHY?

    I would like to vote for Turan as well. Being possibly the most powerful empire in Hyboria it's amazing that it hasn't got a sourcebook yet. Even Vendhya/Ghulistan would be good. At least it's plausible that your characters may go there, whereas they are unlikely to ever visit Khitai unless...
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    House rule, Modifications, Etc...

    Also, you have to remember that the Picts have Jhebbal Sag, nature magic, the very nature and its wild animals, etc, on their side. Sure, Aquilonians have priests of Mitra but those don't seem to be much into magic.
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    Oh, if possible could you also post their background skills and languages? :)
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    Thanks. :)
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    Would it be possible/allowed for someone to post the racial stats for the Iranistani? I know they were in one of the Signs & Portents but I don't have it (and it didn't make it into the Conan Compendium).
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    House rule, Modifications, Etc...

    Aren't both specifically mentioned in Howard's writings? Arus the watchman in God in the Bowl has a crossbow, and IIRC Poitainian knights are described in several stories as wearing plate armor. I know those items don't fit "historically" since they are an invention of later Middle Ages, but...
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    Hyboria with WFRP

    My biggest WFRP love is the career system and the critical hits, if only I could find a painless way to transfer that to d20 Conan. ;) Regarding combat - yes it is deadlier in WFRP, however that can be fixed relatively easily for Hyboria by giving characters more fate and fortune points for...
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    Hyboria with WFRP

    Has anyone thought about/tried running Hyboria with WFRP rules? Some aspects would probably need changing, as Hyboria is a more heroic setting, but personally I like the core WFRP mechanics such as combat and magic use.