Recent content by slug

  1. S

    Trading card game for A: 2089

    how about a card game that has all the card you need to play in one go, could work , you never know.
  2. S

    EF vs. US

    i hate every one no matter who they are. i even hate my self at times, so there you go was that o.k or was it to much hate for you to take all at once. as far as i can see my players will fight the u.s as they already think that every one over there is a sad sack of shit. now before all you...
  3. S

    What are you doing with Arm2089?

    i've just got armageddon, i've no idea what to do with it yet, so much back ground and ideas in the main book! but i am going to use the mek rules in a game of warhammer 40.000 for the titans! :D
  4. S

    Mersey Mekwar (PBP Game - IC) - Episode 1 - Game Started

  5. S

    WOTc poll

    it would be good to see mongoose give them a good kicking!
  6. S

    my first time

    in a little over an hour i'll be off to take part in my first game of bab 5. It should be good. the gm has been planning it for months(even before the main book was in the shops. I'll post my veiws on how it went( from a players point of veiw) at a latter date. how was your first game of bab 5...