Recent content by predhead

  1. P

    Rationale for not allowing tank main guns to do reaction fir

    But in a modern armor vehicle, there are such wonderful things such as target aquisitition equipment that make being hatched down not as important, especially if a turn is around 45 seconds or so, if it is. I will play the rules ahowever my friends want to, but there is at least a good...
  2. P

    Rationale for not allowing tank main guns to do reaction fir

    Thank you! :lol: I agree with Daddy above, the rate of fire for a main tank gun is such that they should be able to react, and fire twice in the same "turn"...whatever definition you use for it. I know that makes the tank even more formidable, but it appears that on the modern (or near...
  3. P

    Rationale for not allowing tank main guns to do reaction fir

    Indeed then, I am for tanks being able to fire in the Reaction phase as this is seemingly more true to their real life capabilities. Terrain (i.e. - cover) on the tabletop is critical for infantry's survival, and once some of the AT packs roll out a tank will have more to worry about than just...
  4. P

    Rationale for not allowing tank main guns to do reaction fir

    I was giving this some thought, having played my first BEVO (pronounced like DEVO) game this past weekend. We actually had played the rules incorrectly, having the M1 perform reaction fire on a PLA tank that had fired at the M1. I guess I do not understand why a tank cannot perform reaction...