Recent content by MyndkryM

  1. MyndkryM

    Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b

    It looks like when you select a M-drive, the Record Sheet tab is displaying DSMS even if 'NO' is selected in the Drive tab. Also...the wording of Jumps Available in the Fuel Tab seems weird. Previous versions were names Jump Drive Parsecs. The fuel calculation looks correct.
  2. MyndkryM

    Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b

    Always appreciate the updates. When you do your next update, please look at the Weapons tab and the Mixed Weapon in HP option. Sandcaster appears to be missing from the dropdown. Thanks for the work.
  3. MyndkryM

    Traders and Gunboats - Has Landed!

    I'm a BIG fan of Ian Steed and so happy to see his artwork included.
  4. MyndkryM

    Armour vs armour piercing bullets

    I agree that RAW would allow the Gauss to use specialty ammo...hopefully the 2023 Update to the CSC will correct this. Until then, I'd house-rule the exclusion list to include Gauss and Gravitic weapons like Mag-weapons are. First, it's consistent with the Gauss Rifle that was introduced in...
  5. MyndkryM

    Armour vs armour piercing bullets

    Yep...that is how they are described in CSC.
  6. MyndkryM

    Ideas for shotguns?

    I think you may be giving the spread effect of a shotgun more credit than it's worth. Also, don't forget that RAW shotguns double armor protection. So where do I see the benefit of using shotguns? Close quarter combat where lines of sight are limited. In CT, shotguns along with snub-pistols...
  7. MyndkryM

    Traveller 2022 Character Creation: qualify for career each term?

    Page 20 clarifies this a bit. Simply, if you are electing another term in the same career and assignment; no qualification roll is needed. If you elect to change a career or change an assignment within your current career; a qualification roll is needed. Also remember, that during your...
  8. MyndkryM

    Excel Traveller Trade keep on making REALLY good tools!!!! I do hope that the powers that be recognize your work.
  9. MyndkryM

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    I would like to see more information on the Minor and Variant Human races. Answerin, Geonee, Plexxan, and Suerrat to name a few.
  10. MyndkryM

    How to Write a Three-Act Traveller Adventure

    I've found this thread to be pretty interesting to read. I guess it all comes down to what experience the group is expecting. Now an observation about the current state of TTRPGs; D&D has had a huge impact as to what expect in a TTRPG...and in some ways that has NOT been a good thing. It's the...
  11. MyndkryM

    Damage Multiplier in the new HG, or One Shot, One Kill

    Hmmm......put me in the "Do what you want" camp. In fact, I'll amend that to "What was old is now new again" camp, because back in '78 we ONLY had the LBBs...and all the other stuff slowly came later (no internet, very few game stores, etc.). So...yeah, looking at the point of view of new...
  12. MyndkryM

    Damage Multiplier in the new HG, or One Shot, One Kill

    Reading Angle Screens (Gunner) on pg. 41, the Screen Gunner gets to use their Effect result as a after???? Attack multiplied damage vs defense multiplied absorption?
  13. MyndkryM

    Writing Adventures Using The Hero's Journey Method

    Good read and good stuff.
  14. MyndkryM

    Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b

    I love this Ship Designer I did find these errors. 6. Computer Tab Intellect Software should be included at TL11+ and at zero bandwidth (Traveller Core Rule Book Update 2022 page 161) 8a. Weapons When selecting Mixed Weapons, Sandcasters are absent from the drop-down. They are present from the...
  15. MyndkryM

    G loc

    Pilot and Flyer skills are listed as usable skills. I'd also be inclined to include Athletics depending on the situation. The Core book gives an example of "Performing a Complicated Task in High Gravity" in the Strength specialty.