Recent content by linus

  1. L

    Found on Ebay

    Anyone seen this yet?
  2. L

    Starship Troopers Memorial

    You are probably right...I just cant help but be a little bit pissy about the deal. Mongoose really hit a sweet spot with the rules set, and the idea of it fading out gets me going . Sorry I get a little uppity sometimes :)
  3. L

    All I Want Are The Dropships

    Im in for ships also..... probably buy 2 of each
  4. L

    Starship Troopers Memorial

    Please dont tell me the news that will make us happy is that they are selling stuff on ebay and that someday SST will once AGAIN be SST:EVO. First it was its own game, then dumbed down for EVO, then back to its own, and now back to EVO again? I've been there from the beginning, and was an MI...
  5. L

    Happy Birthday USMC!!! OORAH!!! (edited title)

    Here here. Happy Birthday to all you Devil Dogs out there. Im former Army, and have nothing but the deepest of respect for you guys. You're absolute ANIMALS in the best sense of the word. Stay Proud!
  6. L

    I wish I'da found this guy earlier

    The Delta Force comments absolutely kill me. Having been on the receiving end of a few Delta Platoons as opposing forces in an exercise on several occaisions, I can assure you that I am glad as hell these guys are on our side. You wont find many people in the world who train as hard, heavy and...
  7. L

    Suspicious about SST Evo - The US connection

    Ill make every effort to make it....and will be bringing my Marauder Platoon for some but-kicking!!! I'll be honest, I'm pretty hesitant about embracing the "new rules", but those who know me, know I have an open mind, so I'll be there to see what all the fuss is about. See you there...I hope.
  8. L

    Starship Troopers Evolution

    ...until VoraciousTigger and his Lawyer Brain get a hold of them, that is....
  9. L

    Project Card (Updated 06-20-07) - New Card: Brute Squad

    Excellent Job, Trooper! Keep up the good work!
  10. L


    I would be happy if they left everything the way it is now, but just moved it so that you can pick when the fighters attack, instead of at the end...
  11. L

    whats your favorite kind of MI platoon

    Ape's & Chickenhawks, REPRESENT!! YEE YEE! inner gangsta got the best of me. :)
  12. L


    but both absolutely PALE in comparison with German beer. High standards = Great Beer!
  13. L


    Oh feel free....any american who cant accept that both our wine and beers suck, is really living in denial...
  14. L


    I disagree. What makes these rules so great, in my opinion, is that they are a great rules system. Not necesarrily applied to any one thing. Its a great, fast, quasi-realistic rules set that is very flexible, fun, and intuitive. Rock on, I say!
  15. L


    I play Flames of War, and I am TOTALLY PSYCHED about this prospect. 28mm WWII is the bomb diggity. At least I think it will be :) Bring it on Mongoose!