i would also prefer it to be more "scenario".
Maybe simply getting the whoopass of hits and keeping the Anti-Fighter,
but ditching all weapons except the main gun which should have a
simple statline like:
Super Ligthninggun:
Boredsight, Super Slow Loading (2 turns)
destroys all ships caught in...
a simple solution for campaign gaming and refits came to my mind.
A system to select a refit is cool one instead of rolling dice.
What about the following:
Before campaign starts, print out the refit tables for each player.
Everytime a refit is chosen tick it on the sheet. If it is chosen...
For the FAP we switched back to the Armageddon breakdown of FAP.
We like it the way that you don't get as much small vessels when
fighting a high priority game.
Maybe this may help:
simple let the biggies start with experiance points
depending on priority level (you'llm have to keep track
on experiance either way)
Raid - 1 Exp
Battle - 2 Exp
War - 4 Exp
Arm - 8 Exp
In conclusion i also like the redundancy X trait and the
Armor threshold...
Analyse the enemy fleet:
if it has this amoutn of Dilgar Missiles he has two disadvantages:
- his main weapontry is slow loading
- his main weapontry is AP only and has nearly no beams
high armor is the key and high hull values, or better, both
so i suggest this fleet:
- Omega...
my first scenario game was the shortest in Time.
Scenario - Ambush at Patrol level
Attacker - Narn 3 Sho-Kos
Defender - Centauri 5 Haven Patrol Boats
Round 1 Narn close in and manage to open fire
Round 2 Fire exchange and most centari vaporized
Round 3 the last centauri vaporized
it was under the first edition acta rules.
My group of 4 Vorchan got after an omega and the first of them
was hit by a rear weapon and got bang with a 6-6.
-the second vorchan was caught in the explosion
and 6-6 goes boom
-the third was caught in the second ones explosion
and 6-6 goes...
i have
Centauri Fleet (only lacking a Liata, cause its too ugly)
Minbari Fleet (only lacking a Neroon)
Shadow Fleet (complete, but that was easy)
both have a box set and 2 Miniatures of each other ship added
(except the Adira and Octurion where i have only one of)
in FleetAction Scale i own...
in my opinion the only stupid question is the one that is not asked...
misreads and misunderstanding is totally normal for someone getting into
a new tabletop game.
But i think its no good manner to flame away on someone (like you) who asked a question that was asked sometime before. A simple...
I like Bab5 simply for its cool characters, if i must choose an order:
Exactly. It is not as messay as you think, just be sure to have old newspaper put around the area you do this.
In the end you''ll end up with a black thumb and a yummy toothbrush :lol:
Sorry no pics right now.
i painted my shadows with a very dull grey and drybrushed with a
more lighter grey. After that i spluttered black paint on it
with a toothbrush. Worked out very well.
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