Recent content by Green Karl

  1. G

    Traveller - Bughunters...

    Ah cool and looking at the previews it looks perfect for the game...Thanks
  2. G

    Traveller - Bughunters...

    Sorry I am not 100% on Traveller jargon... is CSC the Chthonian Stars campaign setting or something else? Sorry I am dense
  3. G

    Traveller - Bughunters...

    OK I will take a look at these... sounds like good places to look for extra gear and aliens
  4. G

    Traveller - Bughunters...

    Hmm cool... so another questions... would 2300AD or Chthonian Stars be worth it to get some more in-depth "Earth" based ideas and character creation option? With Bughunters history mostly being only around 150 or so years in the future just wondering. I own the old original Traveller 2300 and...
  5. G

    Traveller - Bughunters...

    So it has been a few years sense I have posted here, but lately I have been playing around with Mongoose Traveller and thinking about different settings. I am not a huge fan of the Imperium or the base tech assumptions but that’s not a big deal for what I am sort of planning on. So as the title...
  6. G

    What are some inventive uses of spells?

    OK re-reading Greater TK... Hidden Death is not how I was throwing things around... instead was using Found Objects - "the objects to be hurled may be anywhere within range and are picked up and hurled without the sorcerer having to touch them" Like I said I should not post from memory
  7. G

    What are some inventive uses of spells?

    D'oh... like I said I did not have my book on me and we have not played in a while :(
  8. G

    What are some inventive uses of spells?

    Greater Telekinesis - Hidden Hand is where you can use it to attack with up to two weapons that you are not touching or some such (I don’t have my book with me right now so I can’t give you the correct description of this). Anyway we (GM and me) ruled that it caught people generally flat-footed...
  9. G

    What are some inventive uses of spells?

    In the Conan game I am in where I play a Sorcerer I used Hidden Hands once to hit a guy with both the oars on a row boat... hehe that was funny ;) Also one time the GM had us in the long-wide Hallway, where near this door some big heavy chains were smacking us around. We ran away from them...
  10. G

    New novels set in the Age of Conan

    I am about half-way through the first book... so far I am liking it. It is pretty interesting as Kern is NOT Conan at Conan's young age (he kind of sucks as a fighter :)) but it is pretty good. I bit more detailed then REH but still good
  11. G

    where do you run your Conan games?

    Hey just a bit closer :D I am from Seattle (West Seattle) WA. We generally play over in North Seattle area
  12. G

    Shadow of the Sorcerer question

    Kewl... really looking forward to this :D