Hi there.
IIRC only Vaastag and Miller-Urey are covered in any great detail. Also I think there were some more details about Miller-Urey in one of the S&P articles a couple of issues back.
The rest is left deliberately vague for you to fill in although I expect that there'll be a supplement or...
I picked it up at Dragonmeet SW.
Overall I love it. Powerguns are so nasty, I can't wait to run a game of it.
I did notice a glaring Copy-n-Paste error in that a lot of "cash" was replaced with "CR" i.e. cashiered becomes CRiered.
That explains why you've been AWOL at Deniable Resources.
I was also at the Launch event and picked up the new edition, Machines of War and Eastern Bank. Very shiny, they are and full of Corporation goodness.
I was also GMing at the Launch event and Brass Jester has an awesome write-up on his...
More Cyberpunk rather than Shadowrun (no magic, see?) but you're right about the employment issue. You can't get the fancy upgrades without being a Corporate Agent so it's probably closer to Syndicate Wars in that respect.
The Game System is a simple 2d10 and roll under an Action Total...
What I'll also say: if you like the games Syndicate Wars, System Shock, Deus Ex; if you like the films Ghost in the Shell, Johnny Mnemonic, Matrix; if you like the books of Peter Hamilton, Richard Morgan, William Gibson; then you will enjoy Corporation.
Okay, here's the nutshell summary that I tend to use:
Corporation is a roleplaying game set against a backdrop of Corporate domination. Based in 2500 you take on the role of a biomechanically augmented Agent executing the will of your Corporation. You have been trained, honed and upgraded...
The Phoenix Games Club is pleased to announce that it will be present at Dragonmeet South West 2009 with a varied selection of Role-playing Games, Table-Top and Board Games that will take place in both the morning and afternoon sessions.
What's on Offer?
Moonquake 2099 (Call of Cthulhu) - Steve...
The Phoenix Games Club is making its plan to send a group of delegates to the far-flung reaches of our benighted island, to bring much gaming goodness to the West Country.
However, we require information on when submissions for GMs should be made.
Nope, not blasphemy. Even you have to admit that his little brother was scarier (played by the able Jeremy Irons). Although that female that he was 'interfacing' with, was just psychotic ...
I'm looking forward to it. Since I'm running both scenarios that day, my players are either gonna love or loathe me.
Hans Gruber isn't that scary. Thomas Gabriel, on the other hand, is scary.
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