chthonian stars?

The announced shipping date is still October:
badpixie said:
Note it has vansihed from the 'Coming Re;eases' section. Delayed?

It has moved from Coming Releases because it is scheduled for release this month:

Ok, this is really bugging me. I just read the S&P 85 article on Wardens, which was very cool. Only problem is that I swear I just recently read something (almost certainly RPG related, but I could be misremembering very badly) that had a very very similar concept/plot, where something was making weird alien habitats form in previously "dead" places and similarly weird events.

Did I just read a different preview of Cthonian Stars and didn't realize what I was reading, or is there a very similar game out there?
apoc527 said:
Did I just read a different preview of Cthonian Stars and didn't realize what I was reading, or is there a very similar game out there?

There was another talking about Wardens in a previous issue of S&P.
Must have been, though I'm definitely remembering more specific comments about the changing ecosystems of planets or planetoids thought dead and new "alien ecologies" springing up. Is that Cthonian Stars? Sounds like it...
apoc527 said:
Must have been, though I'm definitely remembering more specific comments about the changing ecosystems of planets or planetoids thought dead and new "alien ecologies" springing up. Is that Cthonian Stars? Sounds like it...

Could be one of the S&P previews.
I was annoyed that the Warden preview in 85 is the same as 84, but yeah, I'm also looking forward to the game. :)