Amazon just cancelled my "Power Armour" preorder

Maybe the Law level where you reside prohibits the sale of Powered Armour?

Just kidding. Mongoose probably just told them that they don't have a firm ship date yet.
Amazon has huge problems with pre-orders of gaming related items. I've had them tell me that a book I pre-ordered through them will no longer be published the same week that book showed up in my local game store. So it's more likely Amazon has decided they won't/can't carry it/obtain it than it is that it was cancelled.

I've tried pre-ordering gaming related items through Amazon three times now. 2 out of those three ended with a similar message - so basically if I want to pre-order a gaming item these days, I do it through the publisher or my FLGS and avoid Amazon altogether. If I want to buy it through Amazon, I wait until it's actually available from them - IE, shows in stock and shipping.
Amazon maybe the cheapest place to obtain gaming books, but you have to put up with alot of s*** to get it, especially if you are pre-ordering. I've once pre-ordered a gaming book months in advance. 3 months after the launch date, I still didn't have it. I called their customer service and they said they had it in stock and weren't sure why it hadn't shipped to me yet. I got it a week later (no apology or decrease in price for late shipment).
dmccoy1693 said:
Amazon maybe the cheapest place to obtain gaming books, but you have to put up with alot of s*** to get it, especially if you are pre-ordering. I've once pre-ordered a gaming book months in advance. 3 months after the launch date, I still didn't have it. I called their customer service and they said they had it in stock and weren't sure why it hadn't shipped to me yet. I got it a week later (no apology or decrease in price for late shipment).

Only had a problem once myself, and they ended up substituting with a price reduction to match the original order and threw in faster shipping.
Me, I do set up a pre-order with Amazon but I also check locally and on Mongoose's site too. If Amazon has it in stock the day Mongoose (assuming a MongTrav product) and/or a local store has it, I of course let them ship it to me. If not, then I cancel the order and buy it online with Mongoose or locally instead. Same thing with games by other companys as well.

Or to put it another way, Amazon is great if it's in stock. If it's a pre-order on gaming stuff, it can be iffy but no harm in placing the order, it's easy to cancel if one sees it somewhere else.
I always buy the PDF asap, then buy the hardcopy when I can. I usually get discounted giftcards/merchandise credits for book stores off of ebay or one of the card sites, then buy them at the books store with a coupon. My total % off comes out to be about 44 percent.