Alpha Male


Emperor Mongoose

Chapter One

Lieutenant Jerrald Buller, Confederation Marine, was admiring the view from the terrace of his apartment.

There was knock on the door.
Turning from the window, Jerrald cleared his throat.

"Enter," he said, just loud enough to be heard beyond the door. His voice was deep and commanding. The sort of voice that could woo a lover with tender murmurs or tear strips off even a seasoned soldier with brutal staccato.
Theodore Connell stepped through the reinforced apartment door.

Despite his five foot eleven height, he was physically and socially a contrast to the highly connected Buller, a scion of Buller AstroDynamics; his family had survived as subsistence farmers on a planet no one outside it's subsector ever heard of, and probably never will.

His brilliant academics had propelled him off that dirt pile, and his inclination had decided him on a career with the Corps, instead what many had believed should have been the more cerebral Navy.

"I'm on Summit, in Summit, on Summit, in Summit; I'm surprised that they didn't name the subsector Summit," Jerrald mused.

"Lack of imagination, I'd imagine," opined Theodore, as he walked past expensive furnishings, to join Jerrald at the panoramic window.

Jerrald frowned; Summitters weren't the only ones ever accused of lacking imagination. Or humour.
"Look at that view Connell" said Jerrald. "Tell me what you see."
Theodore took a moment before replying. "Uh, the city, lots of buildings, business as usual." Caught off guard by the tone in Jerrald's voice.
"No, really look - look at how fragile it all is, how vulnerable. Completely ignorant of their fate - no-one in this city is aware of the hammer that is about to fall on them."
Jerrald turned away from the window and faced Theodore - the question, unspoken, in his eyes.