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  1. Anstett

    Can't log in the shop

    When I have gotten stuck like that in the past I just did the "forgot my password" and that bypassed the Captcha loop.
  2. Anstett

    Interstellar Shipping Question

    From the Starports book: "A Highport is a space station, maintaining a geo-synchronous orbit above a Downport. In essence, it is a spaceship that tends not to move – though it does, indeed, have a limited capacity to do so." In none of the examples does it have the description of an M drive...
  3. Anstett

    Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

    I do think that one of the best advances out of the headset development is the gesture capture sensors. Starting back in 2015 with the magic touch (forget the actual product name can find it later if needed) and up to the newest ability to capture gestures I can see how using a pair of glasses...
  4. Anstett

    Interstellar Shipping Question

    I have a hunch that any system that has a spaceport has a large enough flow of traffic to have dedicated intra-system shipping Corps. I agree that micro-jumps are a system by system judgement call based on the goods being transported. Just in Time raw materials for manufacturing would go by...
  5. Anstett

    Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

    I think the Army Vision Pro is more hype and experiment than real world use possibility. 1 - Cameras for pass through will never be as good as clear headset to look through. That is why the HoloLens versions have been thoroughly tested and preferred over goggles. 2 - Batteries are not up to...
  6. Anstett

    5th frontier war board game revival?

    Putting into a VTT works well too. Maps, Fog of War, all the ship data you need, etc. There are also timers you can use to force players to make more rapid decisions.
  7. Anstett

    Does removing modules allow longer jumps

    See also this long thread on cargo ship possibilities.
  8. Anstett

    This is Free Trader Beowulf: Errata

    As an aside one good way of proof-reading things is to have the computer read it back to you out loud. Your hearing does not glance over mistakes that your reading does. It takes longer but your hear catches those awkward phrases and 'what did they say?"
  9. Anstett

    Ship Design Philosophy

    I would go with the opposite. Cranes are built for X (largest) size and can be modified to work with smaller containers.
  10. Anstett

    Efficient space only freighter design

    From what I have seen looking at things associated with these ideas it is the Shipping Container that was standardized first (1950's) and then flatbed and trailers adapted to fit the new standard.
  11. Anstett

    Traveller 3rd Party Licensing

    Following up on this, I would be interested in selling for VTT on the various store fronts. The Forge for Fantasy Grounds would be my choice. Is there a time frame yet for the update to the licensing for those?
  12. Anstett

    Traveller 3rd Party Licensing

    I do not know for certain. (I am not a lawyer, I just try to pay attention to these things) What I think is currently available for PDF sales (and PoD through DTRPG) TAS - exclusive to DTRPG, allowed to use Mongoose branding Community Content - allowed to use Mongoose branding, may or may not...
  13. Anstett

    Traveller 3rd Party Licensing

    Also anything you publish on DriveThru stays there, you cannot sell it elsewhere, convert it to a different format (VTT is my intent) or just about anything else. By using an official program with Mongoose (other than TAS) that seems to maybe go away. But the details are hazy.
  14. Anstett

    Tech Compatibility: Imperium vs. SWC in Traveller RPG

    Technology finds a way....
  15. Anstett

    Traveller 3rd Party Licensing

    I am not sure which is the case. Different documents have different numbers.
  16. Anstett

    Traveller 3rd Party Licensing

    The Community Content Creators Program is an opportunity to share your original content with the rest of the publisher's community, while you make money at the same time. You set the price other fans will pay for your title. You then get a 50% royalty whenever your title sells. Your proceeds can...
  17. Anstett

    Efficient space only freighter design

    From the Cargo Loading rates thread: For a Type A Starport: Loading times of five minutes per ton are the norm – though specially equipped industrial hangers can reduce this to one minute per ton. That should...
  18. Anstett

    How do we know a PDF has been updated?

    Thank you for the updated way of naming PDF files. Just purchased some and noticed the new naming convention of appending the month and year to the end of the file name.
  19. Anstett

    Travdata - getting data out of the PDFs

    For a VTT output of tables as CSV files makes importing them very simple.
  20. Anstett

    Ship Design Philosophy

    So each station is a standing desk? With a treadmill to stay in shape.