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  1. S

    Scanning for emissions signature

    PRIS binoculars from the Central Supply Catalog, infrared goggles from the same source but possibly at a minus compared to PRIS. Might be other options in other books I'm not recalling. I tend to "solve" the question of range and detail by asking for a Sensor or Recon roll rather than figuring...
  2. S

    Ship's TL, Fixed or Fluid

    c) Fixed: TL 13, the maximum possible at the TL 13 Lunion shipyard. In other words I'm taking page 8 as controlling, for overall tech level of the ship. Then I am contradicting the later language, but the later language contradicts page 8, so some judgement must be made. I see how people get to...
  3. S

    Multi-Warhead Missile and Critical Hits

    It doesn't have to though. Triple warheads would intrinsically overwhelm point defence without any -2 at all; that there is a -2 could mean the minus is standing in for rolling PD after triplication, perhaps to reduce dice rolling at the table.
  4. S

    1e to 2e Auto Fire ammo change

    You're right. I would just house-rule it. On the Autocannon specifically, I deliberately stay away from making everything fully simulationist, but I can easily see making it 50-100 rounds a turn, rather than just changing x3 to x6. Wild speculation is that 500 count magazine is...
  5. S

    How do Vehicle Missiles work?

    I read Dilbert's rule quote as meaning a successful roll destroys one and only one missile, but you can keep rolling against successive missiles at a cumulative -1 each time. So you may well get more than one, but are very unlikely to stop an entire large salvo. Problem, that's a lot of...
  6. S

    Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1

    Both editions have d66 event tables for the careers they cover, as well as alternate d66 event charts for the core book Army and Marine careers. So that's a value-add over the core book 2-12 tables, even if I never used the rest of the book much. Those event tables found in both books look to...
  7. S

    Locking down the ship (Who's got the keys?)

    Within reason, pretty nearly any way the players want it to work the first time it comes up. But then they're stuck with those details in other circumstances. There's probably a less fuzzy and more official answer implied in anti-hijacking software, but I forget at the moment where that's even...
  8. S

    Failing Career Qualification Rule

    You are applying simulationist logic to a non-simulationist game mechanism. No, I run it by the book. Although... My failsafe here is I'm open to a player handing over their first sheet for an NPC and re-rolling. I still prefer they roll it out and see where it goes, on the off chance it all...
  9. S

    Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

    Interesting little armed scout car. I'd never heard of it, so I thought maybe it never entered production, but Egypt bought 112 and Indonesia bought 28. Wiki says "...not fitted with an NBC system, has no night vision equipment and is not amphibious...", but also lists six turret options...
  10. S

    Imperial Law???

    Possibly the Imperium itself directly prohibits murder only in space ("...and to bring the Rule of Law to the spaces between worlds..."), while leaving its prohibition on member worlds to member worlds. So the situation would be that it's effectively illegal everywhere, but without copying the...
  11. S

    Best published OTU Traveller scenario or campaign you have run?

    I'm of fond of two that play well, but possibly get downgraded for having either a thin premise or railroaded opening. Divine Intervention is a really good heist/breaking and entering adventure in play. The premise is a little thin (are you sure a corrupt theocrat living on a floating city...
  12. S

    Referee Tools

    At risk of hijacking your thread by not listening to what you're really asking for, here are a couple more tools not found in the core book. I found both useful way back in the day, though both now are shorter and might have "less there" than I remember them as being...
  13. S

    Referee Tools

    Yeah, fair enough. I got introduced to Traveller as a player before I GMed, so I had that as a model. Plus I happened to start when the OSR blogosphere was bigger, so I had some theory converted from that, plus a few blogs that were Traveller specific. Then my rulebooks were 1e, but I reached...
  14. S

    Micro-jump vs 1G trip

    If you've got departure, destination, and thrust that narrows it down considerably. That would be enough to jump to the vicinity. And you're likely to have those if you know the one shipment you're going after, say the one that's Radioactives rather than Common Ores. Which you're likely to have...
  15. S

    Micro-jump vs 1G trip

    I've long assumed significant in-system, non-jump traffic, but haven't really done much with it. But it does open up the possibility of a train robbery type adventure, either performing or guarding against, without literally taking the ship down over a ground-based train as in the Firefly episode.
  16. S

    Stacking level 0 skills

    That's a thing people bring to Traveller rather than something inherent to it. Skill 0 is explicitly competent, enough to avoid rolling until opposed in your effort or working under adverse circumstances. Drive 0 is a competent if inexperienced driver; Flyer 0 can pilot an aircraft.* You'd...
  17. S

    Stacking level 0 skills

    I've done this. I paired it with term limits so it wasn't coming on top of geriatric admiral skill rank counts, but other than that it works fine. I will keep both of these in mind next time I get to start a game. I do like Weedy's, it's got some elegance, and Edu, while not truly a dump...
  18. S

    Beltstrike - "Asteroid Belts" questions

    Right, not obligation - it's a buy-out clause. A prospector can't just choose to sell for 75%, but if whatever megacorp or mainworld government is administrating the asteroid belt decides to muscle in and take over whether the prospector likes it or not that's what they pay. (..."usually" :))...
  19. S

    Vargr weakness

    How then do their genomes get mixed? I understand that someone with canon privileges wrote down the statement that the genome is thoroughly mixed, but if the rest of canon makes that statement implausible at best then writing it down doesn't elevate it. That they separately care more about...
  20. S

    Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

    That hovercraft at 8:48 can't be high performance, but I find the light construction intriguing. Boost it up a couple of tech levels and I can see that collapsing down into a handy carrying case that you just shake out and open when you need it.