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  1. G. K. Zhukov

    JTAS received in Spain!

    Yep - here it is:
  2. G. K. Zhukov

    Doesn't Marine Career Event 9 gain you an Enemy?

    For my second term in the Star Marines I rolled a 9 on the post-survival Events Table. The entry reads: A mission goes disastrously wrong due to your commander’s error or incompetence, but you survive. If you report your commanding officer for his failure then you gain DM+2 to your next...
  3. G. K. Zhukov

    RIP Andrew Boulton

    Sad news: Traveller artist Andrew Boulton passed away last August 11. He will be missed. :(
  4. G. K. Zhukov

    15mm Zho's available!

    For those of you who prefer the smaller and cheaper 15mm scale: Clamshell helmet included!
  5. G. K. Zhukov

    993 ATU (Gateway Domain)

    In this post in another Traveller-related forum, Martin J. Dougherty explains that with the lapsing of the Traveller license held by QLI, the 993 millieu in the Gateway Domain ATU materials are once again free to be developed by other Traveller license holders (like Mongoose). Dear Matt, are...
  6. G. K. Zhukov

    Sector Fleet

    I made a quick search and was surprised that nothing with "Sector Fleet" on the subject line turned out. :shock: Sector Fleet is a sourcebook for all versions of Traveller. Concentrating on the Imperial Navy of the...
  7. G. K. Zhukov

    Amazon just cancelled my "Power Armour" preorder

    I just received the following eMail from Amazon: Has this book been really cancelled by Mongoose?
  8. G. K. Zhukov

    MGT Traveller boardgames?

    Matt, we have been pestering you with the Traveller character miniatures issue for a long time (with no official response so far I may add :twisted: ), but how about Traveller hex-and-counter boardgames in the old fashion? I mean both Classic Traveller and Traveller: The New Era had several...
  9. G. K. Zhukov

    Likely future source of not-Zho 15mm minis

    Details here: Club 300 Ventaurans Let's see if they do happen sometime. It's less than 100 miniature preorders away!
  10. G. K. Zhukov

    [15mm grav vehicles] Is it me or...

    ...isn't this the nicest Intrepid/Trepida-proxy in 15mm scale ever?
  11. G. K. Zhukov

    2000AD Miniatures

    I just saw this on The Miniatures Page: Thought it might be interesting for you 2000AD fans. :wink:
  12. G. K. Zhukov

    15mm not-Vargr miniatures

    Well; they are soldiers from the Protolene Khanates, but they look quite Vargrish to me!
  13. G. K. Zhukov

    Petition for Travelleresque 15mm feline minis

    With all the 15mm sci-fi miniature ranges that keep surfacing nowadays (GZG, Khurasan, Rebel Minis, Combat Wombat, etc.), someone has set up a request to Eureka Miniatures for the production of "feline" minis with gauss guns and lasers, that will be very useful for Traveller roleplaying. The...
  14. G. K. Zhukov

    Space 1889

    If at all possible, please MGP, try and get the license (from Frank Chadwick I think?)! And please make it a cute full-colour book! :P With quite a bunch of supplements! :twisted: Would asking for S1889 miniatures be too much? :lol: