Zaaryx and Cynx


Lone Wolf went to one of Nyxator's cities in The Cauldron of Fear (Zaaryx), but did he ever go to Cynx, Nyxator's main shindig? Or is there any description of it?
Not that I know of. He did see Nyxator's hide over the walls of Kaag.

Now there is an adventure for the Kai, recover the hide of Nyxator from the gates of Kaag. Very very difficult in the games time period, but much easier after Lone wolf destroyed the Darklords. Talk about the impossible quest walk into the Darklands and upto one of their greatest cities. "Um excuse me we've come to dry clean the dragon skin gate cover". Then simply remove several tons of sacred dragon hide and skin and slip back to Sommerlund with tens of thousands of darkspawn after you..... :lol:
Winter Wolf said:
Not that I know of. He did see Nyxator's hide over the walls of Kaag.

Now there is an adventure for the Kai, recover the hide of Nyxator from the gates of Kaag. Very very difficult in the games time period, but much easier after Lone wolf destroyed the Darklords. Talk about the impossible quest walk into the Darklands and upto one of their greatest cities. "Um excuse me we've come to dry clean the dragon skin gate cover". Then simply remove several tons of sacred dragon hide and skin and slip back to Sommerlund with tens of thousands of darkspawn after you..... :lol:

Sounds like the Monty Python writers wrote up that adventure idea ! :lol:
The Knights of Ni! themselves could not come up with a better quest!!!
Very much within my own particular, um... IDIOM!
Yes, that's it...

Hmm, I might have to run that session just to throw my players off thier tracks :P :lol: :P
Winter Wolf said:
Not that I know of. He did see Nyxator's hide over the walls of Kaag.

Now there is an adventure for the Kai, recover the hide of Nyxator from the gates of Kaag. Very very difficult in the games time period, but much easier after Lone wolf destroyed the Darklords. Talk about the impossible quest walk into the Darklands and upto one of their greatest cities. "Um excuse me we've come to dry clean the dragon skin gate cover". Then simply remove several tons of sacred dragon hide and skin and slip back to Sommerlund with tens of thousands of darkspawn after you..... :lol:

that's a fantastic idea winter wolf. this is gonna sound dorky, but i always sorta got mad that nyxator was treated as a trophy by agarash and later the darklords.

it's my hope that the kai lords, free land armies, whatever recover nyxator's remains and give him a decent burial with honor. i mean he was kai's first champion right and he made the lorestones and stuff.

damn that naar.