I recently picked up a copy of the Drakh fleet book and a couple things stood out as funny, like the Fast Destroyer fluff saying it was as agile as the White Star but it really isn't and the Cruiser having an anti-fighter aft beam. Promptly I searched the Mongoose page and forums to see if there was any errata and noticed a few comments (like one on the aft HNC with the antifighter trait) but I couldn't find any solid errata or FAQ. So, my question(s) -
1. Is there a place I could find an exhaustive list of the typos and other corrections?
2. Has this fleet been updated with Armaggedon to "correct" statistics?
1. Is there a place I could find an exhaustive list of the typos and other corrections?
2. Has this fleet been updated with Armaggedon to "correct" statistics?