WS fighters AJP


Cosmic Mongoose
now we know fighters can only use limited special orders and these dont include initiate jump point as no fighetrs have had jump engines before, but now the whitestar fighter does have jump engines is it going to be able to use IJP?
guess my fighters wont be jumping in then as they move last they need a ship to stay behind if they cant use their jump engines to open jump points.
They can move through the jump point in support of the capital ship, then break off in the fighter movement phase and attack. Thats kind of contrived though, and you can only move as many fighters through as you have cap ships...
Dread Pirate Burger said:
They can move through the jump point in support of the capital ship, then break off in the fighter movement phase and attack. Thats kind of contrived though, and you can only move as many fighters through as you have cap ships...

I thought that:

1) Fighters gave up their normal movement and attack phases to escort vessels so would have to break off escort on the turn after jumping on on escort to act independently.

2) 4 flights could escort a vessel, no matter what size.(SFOS P.11)

1) I thought fighters could break off escort after the capital ships have moved, and use the remainder of their movement? Eg. Sharlin moves 8" with a Nial in support. Nial can then break off and move its remaining 7" to dogfight an enemy.

2) Oh, yeah...
Dread Pirate Burger said:
1) I thought fighters could break off escort after the capital ships have moved, and use the remainder of their movement?
Nope, or at least I know of no such rule. There IS a rule that slow fighters that can't keep up with fast ships get left behind, but not vice versa. Escort duty is a full-Turn assignment.

So Fighters which came through the Jump Point as Escort for the Capital ship can be used normal one turn after they came through the Point ?
Goldritter said:
So Fighters which came through the Jump Point as Escort for the Capital ship can be used normal one turn after they came through the Point ?

So long as you declare them as breaking off escort duty when you move the ship in that turn, yes.

The support role came up in a game today. We could find no rule that prevented a fighter from attacking while in the support role. Does not come up often except in a fighter supporting another fighter and therefore close enough to attack as well, but nothing seemed to prevent it from shooting if not forced to engage in a dogfight.

Wulf, did you have a reference we could look up that states the fighter gives up its attack phase? If it is in the Arm. FAQ that is fine, I'll apply it when I have access but could not find one in the base rule right now and it will come up again in the campaign I am currently running, so would appreciate a pointer if there is a hard and fast rule I can apply.

Sorry for the thread jacking...back to your regularly scheduled whitestars...

I can't find a rule reference to it either in SFOS or Armageddon, but I do know that is the way it's been played at all the Mongoose tourneys

Thanks LBH

We orginally played it that way as well, but doing the judge thing has made me go back and actually read the rules carefully. So unless Matt jumps in I would have to say they can.

Heck I am shocked that they are letting the Anti-fighter beam on the Drakh stand, but that at least paritally re-enforces a as written approach to making rulings.

Not to encourage too much rules lawyering but as a player and judge in a campaign that is as close as I can get to impartial. Well that and having any descission involving my ships be made by die roll or agreement of all others present/involved.

Ripple said:
Heck I am shocked that they are letting the Anti-fighter beam on the Drakh stand, but that at least paritally re-enforces a as written approach to making rulings.Ripple

Normally i would think that a good thing. But with the number of simple typos MGP is making.......