Wow lonewolf RPG

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Sharia said:
When did this come out?? WHy havent I seen any in chicago :(

Very strange!
Of course, Chicago is just a small settelment on a tiny lake shore...

Anyway (let's be serious!) playing in the world of Magnamund and Lone WOlf RPG is just a marvelous experience!
Sharia said:
When did this come out?? WHy havent I seen any in chicago :(

You must be going to the wrong game stores :)

Take a trip to the best games store in the Chicagoland area, Games Plus, as last time I was there they had the entire range of all Mongoose products.

Here is their website:

Trust me, once you've been to this store, you will compare all others by it's greatness :)

Sharia said:
When did this come out?? WHy havent I seen any in chicago :(

To answer your first question, the LW RPG came out around May/June 2004, followed in July/August by The Darklands sourcebook and in November by the Magic of Magnamund class book. Last August (2005), Mongoose also released an adventure for beginning levels, called Dawn of Destruction.

A few articles have also been published in the monthly Signs and Portents, featuring new classes, adventures, locations, etc., with more to come. S&P is now a free downloadable publication, although some earlier LW articles were featured in the printed editions.
I remember wakeing up on Saturday mornings eating cereal and rolling a d6 dice to the hopefully better results in Lone Wolf.
although, I did prefer being the Wizard over the Monk=)