Will there be a revision for d20 Modern or 3.5?

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Are there any plans for a revised B5 Core rulebook that uses the d20 Modern SRD or the updated 3.5 SRD?
D20 Modern had been available for a while when the B5 RPG was released, so I don't think Mongoose is looking at that as an option. Honestly, I love the D20 Modern mechanics, but I don't necessarily think they would be the best fit for B5. I'm really pretty happy with the way the B5 RPG is set up.
No specific plans as of yet - however, the second printing of the B5 rulebook will be updated to 3.5, and I always intended to have a 3.5 update in the B5 Companion.

That said, there are actually very, very few changes to be made, as I recall, and I don't think any supplements have used any rules that make a real difference.
One change from 3.0 to 3.5 that I didn't like was the cover rule. In 3.5 any cover gives a +4 to AC. In 3.0 there were varing degrees of cover which seemed more realistic to me.
msprange said:
No specific plans as of yet - however, the second printing of the B5 rulebook will be updated to 3.5, and I always intended to have a 3.5 update in the B5 Companion.

That said, there are actually very, very few changes to be made, as I recall, and I don't think any supplements have used any rules that make a real difference.


Will any new stuff added list any differences for 3/3.5 ed Rules ? The group I play with are all 3.0, and we have so many of the books, we won't be upping our versions anytime soon.


I am trying to think right now and, off the top of my head, I cannot think of any changes in 3.5 that would require them to be highlighted in any supplements - as far as Babylon 5 goes, that is. It really is minor stuff. If you use 3.0, you will need the Ambidexterity feat to use two weapons properly - in 3.5 you don't. Neither of which is going to have an impact on future rules supplements we do.

I think you will be safe using 3.0 for Babylon 5 for a long time to come.
msprange said:
I am trying to think right now and, off the top of my head, I cannot think of any changes in 3.5 that would require them to be highlighted in any supplements - as far as Babylon 5 goes, that is. It really is minor stuff. If you use 3.0, you will need the Ambidexterity feat to use two weapons properly - in 3.5 you don't. Neither of which is going to have an impact on future rules supplements we do.

I think you will be safe using 3.0 for Babylon 5 for a long time to come.
Matt, that was a scarily fast reply. :shock:

