Jack Steel
I want to start a Thread where I want to write things I found strange/ didn’t found in the book. I will write some things, and if someone finds something, you can write it here. I made this because I think it's a great game and it deserves a special attention from us the players
I'm testing some rules of Wild West in my D&D campaign and I told to my friends the rule of adding the number with which you beat the enemy's Defence, and we came up with a question:
Is Power Attak useful? I mean, a player should choose it because of interpretation and it allows him to take Cleave; but if you think well: if you substract 1 from you attack bonus, it means that you will have 1 number less but you will add a +1 to the Damage, so in mathematical numbers you deal a theorical +0 of damage, more or less.
So what do you think? ( but think that I like this rule a lot and, IMO, it's great because it allows the experienced heroes defeat tough enemies with a simple weapon, and it's cool. They are simply better, you don't need a magic weapon or amazing damage rolls to break heads 8) )
Or am I thinking too much about this? (“hey you, it’s a game of guns, Power Attack is not such important!” )
Another one: in page 147-149, it's explained the uses of Luck. And there is a use that is not described: "Halve Damage from an attack". It's not explained and it doesn’t appear in the table of the costs (page 149).
When you confirm a critical, you multiply the Damage by a number (x2, x3 or x4 :twisted: ). Does it include also the succeeds of your roll? I ask you because a critical hit implies a high attack roll, so if you multiply everything it will provoke an instant death!!! :shock: (and I suppose it's the mission of Critical Hits in WW) At least I haven't seen Improved Critical in the Feats Sections :wink:
More questions, answers?
Thanks for reading.

I'm testing some rules of Wild West in my D&D campaign and I told to my friends the rule of adding the number with which you beat the enemy's Defence, and we came up with a question:
Is Power Attak useful? I mean, a player should choose it because of interpretation and it allows him to take Cleave; but if you think well: if you substract 1 from you attack bonus, it means that you will have 1 number less but you will add a +1 to the Damage, so in mathematical numbers you deal a theorical +0 of damage, more or less.
So what do you think? ( but think that I like this rule a lot and, IMO, it's great because it allows the experienced heroes defeat tough enemies with a simple weapon, and it's cool. They are simply better, you don't need a magic weapon or amazing damage rolls to break heads 8) )
Or am I thinking too much about this? (“hey you, it’s a game of guns, Power Attack is not such important!” )
Another one: in page 147-149, it's explained the uses of Luck. And there is a use that is not described: "Halve Damage from an attack". It's not explained and it doesn’t appear in the table of the costs (page 149).
When you confirm a critical, you multiply the Damage by a number (x2, x3 or x4 :twisted: ). Does it include also the succeeds of your roll? I ask you because a critical hit implies a high attack roll, so if you multiply everything it will provoke an instant death!!! :shock: (and I suppose it's the mission of Critical Hits in WW) At least I haven't seen Improved Critical in the Feats Sections :wink:
More questions, answers?
Thanks for reading.