F Flint Mongoose Oct 4, 2003 #1 hey I noticed that there is no link for the RPG on the main web page?
T toothill man Mongoose Oct 4, 2003 #2 conan is being released next year but being previewed in signs the mongoose magazine at the moment 8)
conan is being released next year but being previewed in signs the mongoose magazine at the moment 8)
M Mythos Mongoose Oct 4, 2003 #3 On the subject of links. If anyone is intrested I know several good Conan and REH sites. If people are intrested I can put them up on this page.
On the subject of links. If anyone is intrested I know several good Conan and REH sites. If people are intrested I can put them up on this page.
M Mythos Mongoose Oct 7, 2003 #4 Since silence implys concent, here you are; http://www.conan.com http://www.conan.no http://www.barbariankeep.com These are good starter sites, with links to additional material on Conan and Robert E. Howard.
Since silence implys concent, here you are; http://www.conan.com http://www.conan.no http://www.barbariankeep.com These are good starter sites, with links to additional material on Conan and Robert E. Howard.