What season is your group in?

What season is your group in?

  • Before Season 1

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  • Season 1

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  • Season 5

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  • Just past Season 5

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  • ISA early days 2263 - 2268 during the raider conflict

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  • ISA time period close to Legend of the Rangers

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My game is set toward the end of 2266, a few months before the events of "A Call to Arms". I don't think my players have seen the film or Crusade so they will be in for a nice surprise in a few sessions :)
I'm going to run my players through published adventures (Cold Equations and Ragged Edge Campaign), with a self- written intro to familiarize the players with the setting. The intro will take place at the end of season one, and will basically exist to get the players onto the transport ship to Babylon 5 which begins Cold Equations. I prefer to have a tailored introduction to a campaign so that I'm not left with "so you're travelling on this star liner..." :wink:

Once I know the players and the PC's I can set up this "back-story".

But, I like what I've read in Ragged Edge, and as a long story arc it will be fun to run. So, my group will be running in season 2.

Please, man, LotR is Lord of the Rings, not Legend of the Rangers ;)

When I run a campaign I was thinking either 2257-2258, or 2259 Clark-Regime related.
My games are all Drakh Plague and later. I want my characters' actions to be front and center, rather than have them be in the background while the main story arc is decided by the TV show characters.
I started my campaign in late 2266/ early 2267 on the Agamemnon for the events of the B story of The Shadow Within novel. After that adventure brought the players together they set up shop on B5 directly after it went online. We have played through 2267 and are approaching June of 2268. The party just left on the Raid on Ranasha adventure.
aelius said:
I started my campaign in late 2266/ early 2267 on the Agamemnon for the events of the B story of The Shadow Within novel. After that adventure brought the players together they set up shop on B5 directly after it went online. We have played through 2267 and are approaching June of 2268. The party just left on the Raid on Ranasha adventure.

That would be 2256 etc..?

frobisher said:
aelius said:
I started my campaign in late 2266/ early 2267 on the Agamemnon for the events of the B story of The Shadow Within novel. After that adventure brought the players together they set up shop on B5 directly after it went online. We have played through 2267 and are approaching June of 2268. The party just left on the Raid on Ranasha adventure.

That would be 2256 etc..?


Oops, you caught me. I am actually time travelling and got my dates confused.
Thanks, yes it is 2256 etc...
If/when I was going to do one, I was going to set it during Crusade, having a bunch of random specialists on an Earthforce ship assigned to seek out First One tech and relics; ISA getting a little paranoid after the Thirdspace Gate and other things turning up. Though my character options were going to be a little unusual (an ex Psi-cop, technomage, Ranger, ex-Vorlon Servant etc).
Aelius has us playing the evil season! At least this time we went straight back to B5. I hate the "Well we have to go to Proxima then we have to go here, and then here...and totally make Akane insane." Still...it is fun but evil!