What happened to Soul and Steel?

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Before, it showed up when you searched for "Wars" in the search box, along with the other 4 products (2 core + 2 adventure). Was this canceled and why? or was the material rolled into Battlefront?
In fact, I remember "Edge of a Sword" as a 3rd adventure as well. Can someone put out feelers about projected release dates, or how Wars is doing overall?
soul and steel is currently in playtest.. as for when it will appear on the release shedule, only the mongoose can say for sure, but typically if it is in playtest then it is generally on the release schedule for anywhere between this month to two months from now...
I saw Soul and Steel on the playtest list at MGT, but Neo would know better as he's playtesting it.

As for Edge of the Sword I previously saw it listed as March 2006 but it isn't on the site anymore.

Aaaah, so that's what they call the dungeon in which designers and artists are chained to desks and brutally whipped until they produce a book :). Locked in towers, nice!.
Samvail1 said:
Playtester_Gedak said:

MGT = Mongoose Towers.

They have a list of playtesters and what products they are working on on a whiteboard on the wall.

Sam :)

Yup, I didn't think divulging such info would get me in too much trouble with Old Bear, now if I gave out the list of passwords i saw written down on the whiteboards, then I'd be in trouble. well I owuld be if I could remember them :lol:

Samvail1 said:
Playtester_Gedak said:

MGT = Mongoose Towers.

They have a list of playtesters and what products they are working on on a whiteboard on the wall.

Sam :)

heh i imagine my name is the one that is left permanently on the board LOL :lol:
Guest said:
Before, it showed up when you searched for "Wars" in the search box, along with the other 4 products (2 core + 2 adventure). Was this canceled and why? or was the material rolled into Battlefront?

I imagine that the Wars line is dead right now. I am lucky enough to have playtested the second adventure and the equipment book (Soul & Steel) which are both extremely well written and very useful. I will be using them in my game. It's a shame they probably won't see the light of day.

Samvail1 said:
Guest said:
Before, it showed up when you searched for "Wars" in the search box, along with the other 4 products (2 core + 2 adventure). Was this canceled and why? or was the material rolled into Battlefront?

I imagine that the Wars line is dead right now. I am lucky enough to have playtested the second adventure and the equipment book (Soul & Steel) which are both extremely well written and very useful. I will be using them in my game. It's a shame they probably won't see the light of day.


Yup, great shame I have to say although initially it was an unknown thing to me I actually ended up being rather fond of the WARS RPG.
I just discovered this game and think it's great, but I'd love some more examples of the canon technology. I know this is a sensitive subject, so I'm only asking:

If Wars really is dead, is there any chance of someday getting copies of the unfinished manuscripts for Soul and Steel and Nowhere To Hide?

I'll understand if there is no chance of this ...
Well, they're not unfinished manuscripts. They're done. :)

As for seeing them, msprange wrote on these forums a month or two ago that they might be serialized in S&P. Which would be a very good thing.
I posted on the Signs & Portents Forum about this as well. Neo indicated that he'd be open to publishing the WARS material (please check me; I don't want to put words into his forum thread). See below:

I really enjoy WARS, though I suspect whatever the problems were the prevented the other books written from it appearing, could possibly be problems that may stop any articles appearing for it?

If they could I almsot certainly would produce something for it for S&P at some point.

Can I encourage you two to touch base on this to see if it can happen? It seems a shame that this (probably excellent) material won't see the light of day otherwise.

Rabid fan signing off ....[/b]
Durham Blue said:
I posted on the Signs & Portents Forum about this as well. Neo indicated that he'd be open to publishing the WARS material (please check me; I don't want to put words into his forum thread). See below:

I really enjoy WARS, though I suspect whatever the problems were the prevented the other books written from it appearing, could possibly be problems that may stop any articles appearing for it?

If they could I almsot certainly would produce something for it for S&P at some point.

Can I encourage you two to touch base on this to see if it can happen? It seems a shame that this (probably excellent) material won't see the light of day otherwise.

Rabid fan signing off ....[/b]

I know Neo works HARD, but he isn't responsible for S&P content or for putting the pdf together. He is, however, a contributer of excellent articles and the most experienced playtester of Mongoose stuff.

The Soul & Steel material that Greg has written as well as the adventure are owned by Mongoose and it's up to Mongoose to use or not use the material as they see fit.

If you really want to see the WARS stuff, I suggest you keep posting in the S&P forum, it would be a shame if it never saw the light of day as both are excellently written with inspirational content.


Samvail1 said:
The Soul & Steel material that Greg has written as well as the adventure are owned by Mongoose and it's up to Mongoose to use or not use the material as they see fit.

If you really want to see the WARS stuff, I suggest you keep posting in the S&P forum, it would be a shame if it never saw the light of day as both are excellently written with inspirational content.

No problem and thanks for the info. I'm still getting familiar with this group and how its members relate back to Mongoose Publishing.

And of course what happens to the manuscripts is up to Mongoose. Having worked in the industry myself as a production manager/editor/writer, I have no desire to cross any proprietary boundaries.

But I've also found that, if you can connect the right people with the right subject, good things can happen. I'd love to see that happen here. My apologies if I seemed out of line.
Durham Blue said:
But I've also found that, if you can connect the right people with the right subject, good things can happen. I'd love to see that happen here. My apologies if I seemed out of line.

Hey, no problem whatsoever. :D

Mongoose is always open to questions and ideas. You could always PM Matthew Sprange (Co-owner of Mongoose) known on these forums as msprange. He will be able to answer your questions in detail.

