What do you prefer? Wargaming, painting minis or both?

What do you prefer? Wargaming, painting minis or a bit of both?

  • Wargaming

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Painting minis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A bit of both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


With the announcment of pre-painted minis and the reaction on the SST board, I'm curious to know: What do you prefer? Wargaming, painting minis or a bit of both?


I enjoy both, although starting a new game can be a daunting task when you have to paint a bunch of miniatures in a short time.

When I started demonstrating Starship Troopers, I had my first demo scheduled for two weeks after I got my starter box.

For those two weeks, my wife said that all she saw of me was the back of my head and the glow from my desklamp. Luckily I went with a 3 color combination for my warrior bugs. :)

Black overall, with the red diamond on the top, and green bands all over.
I'd say both.

What I don't enjoy is the wait for my figures to be in a gameable state. As long as I can still overpaint when and where I choose to, I'm more than happy about the new prepaints - I should be able to have a game right away and then work on the more important figures at a leisurely pace (resulting in a far better, more patient, paint job than if I had to rush them)
definetly gaming.
while i don't mind painting a mini or two in a free time, whenever i;m forced to paint something in bulk, like an entire sqad or regiment, i feel sick after painting 1/3 of them, and can't touch a brush for a month after.
the core of the name is warGAME to me, the rest is just an adittion.
Wow, I'm so far the only person to say painting. I've said it once, I'll say it again, painting minis brings me calmness and when I do come around to game with them, I feel proud to have a personalized army. Fair play to you if you think you cant paint,but you should at least try. I can see why people like the new ones though, they do look really good. If ALL the battlefield evo stuff is only pre-painted, I will be so angry. I think I'd only buy the tanks pre-painted but I'd weather them lots, possibly add decals/graffitti where it would be. I think pre-painted LAMI is a brilliant idea, just because of how many are required. All I can say is good luck.
I went for a bit of both, but truth be told these days I have barely any time for gaming, adn I can't honestly say that I have painted in the last 5 years :(

Prepainted miniatures would at least allow me to game though (I do have a firm policy of no unpainted lead/plastic on the table - ever - for proper wargames). Primed and with enough painted detail to be at least "impressionistic" is good enough, but I'd rather have counters than bare metal.

But I can see myself buying heavily into BFE and the new SST now and the stuff I've already bought for SST can stay on the sprues and/or in the boxes for when I do have more time...
mthomason said:
I'd say both.

What I don't enjoy is the wait for my figures to be in a gameable state. As long as I can still overpaint when and where I choose to, I'm more than happy about the new prepaints

Yup. I enjoy painting and I definetly enjoy having own colour schemes(now if I could give strict instructions on what the colour scheme should be...) so I will be painting my own models now and in the future. However prepainting atleast allows me to try units on field without having to be embarrased about naked plastic/metal. Also assembly process is sped up a lot :D And I can repaint over them at my leisure.

Also plastics are easier to convert than metal. Hurah!

I enjoy painting, but I think it is great to be able to have it both ways. I plan to buy bulk units pre-painted, and paint conversions and special models to add to them. 8)
I voted both, but with heavy tendencies towards gaming!

I do like painting, especially because I can choose the colour scheme if I want to.

However, I´ll never win a painting contest, and it´s "only" important for me that the miniatures look decent on the gaming table.

Having said that, I´m not big on tournaments, either! I prefer campaigns whenever Possible, because it still has a sense of competitive gaming, but with a lot more depth involved.
For me the fun part of the hobby is painting.
Then it is the satisfaction of seeing my painted models on the board, then hanging with my friends, then actually playing the game.
Lt. BillyC said:
For me the fun part of the hobby is painting.
Then it is the satisfaction of seeing my painted models on the board, then hanging with my friends, then actually playing the game.

Sums it up for me too, though I am not opposed to this new grand plan by Mongoose, I am quite interested actually :)
I saqw that you had posted on here, I was ready to say his answers a no-brainer. I cant say that didn't surprise me!
When playing 40K, It was all about converting and painting new armies. I didn't get to play a lot.

Then came SST and I started actually playing too. I still like to build and paint the armies, but I play with them more too.

SST-Evo... When this starts, I expect to have finished most, if not all, of my current SST projects. So that leaves me less to do with painting/modelling side and more time to actually play with the game. I still plan to re-paint some of the stuff to fit it with my existing armies, though.

So I voted a bit of both.